It's singularly perfect, Jennifer's post, and the comments in it.
It can be unfair to make broad generalizations about groups of people who identify a certain way. Many times I've made generalizations about the types of people, and the way they think, that identify as devoutly religious.
That post, and the comments in it, are a vivid demonstration of everything that I've been saying. It's got it all.. bigotry.. inflexible thought processes, denial of science, condescension, a complete lack of any substantiation, a complete twisting of historical record, and smug moral superiority. It's even got a Catholic priest.. and that's like the cherry on top of the hot fudge sunday.
I highly recommend reading it for all of those that somehow see religion as a harmless institution, because the more people see exactly how religious people think, the further it will advance our cause. It's exactly the same reason why I highlight things that Doug writes, quote for quote, word for word, because their own words are the very best tools we have for advancing the cause. The worst possible thing they could do is go silent.
It is the immorality of group think, unquestioned authoritarian servitude, and spite. It is as if they wanted to completely validate the argument Pat Condell makes in the video I posted yesterday.
In that thread, I promised to once again explain my point of view, and why I consider their "religious" point of view to be immoral. However, this is not that post. I am asked to explain it one more time, and so I'm going to do it in excruciating detail and completeness, so it'll be long. I also know that it is not going to make any difference to Jennifer or the crowd over there.. much less the Doug type loons. I know this, and I know why that is. They've said it themselves, that there is nothing anyone can say that will change their mind.
There are certain types of associations that are created in the mind of a person, when you are asked to evaluate the conditions of any given system. When the entire system is predicated on suspending your own rational thought and disbelief, you simply cannot allow yourself to even fathom the thought that there is an error in that system. You cannot do it. However, because deep down, most of us know that frequently there are errors, we must give a token consideration to the possibilities. Every single time that consideration is given, it is dismissed as invalid. The consideration's sole purpose is to validate the independence of the observer in their own mind.
Which is a esoteric way of saying, Jennifer will read my post just so she can seem open minded, but will simply dismiss it because it's a threat to the entire essence of her being. She has based her entire personality on a certain thing.. certain institutions, and even if Jesus came back and told her to her face that she was full of shit, she'd simply pass it off as some demon trying to trick her. That is a defining characteristic of religion, and to them, it's a virtue.
So, what will be the point of me spending several hours crafting a persuasive argument, yet again, that I know will not persuade those that do not have the capability of understanding it?
Got me.. but I said I'd do it.. and it'll probably show up early next week. Today I want to post some other things I've been holding for a while. I think that sometimes blogs that post a lot of items diminish the impact of those items because readers tend to gloss over things without actually reading and thinking. I'm going to try and cut down on the number of posts I make each day.. but it's tough. There's just so much stuff out there to highlight.
Maybe I need to create another blog. I can keep this one for politics, and the Douggie Watch blog for making Doug look stupid, and a new one for evangelizing the destruction of organized religion. Hmmm...
The picture is of Andrew Sullivan, and his husband Aaron.. legally married in the state of Massachusetts.. under the exact same civil law as everyone else.
Doug thinks they are "sick". Jennifer thinks they "chose" that "lifestyle". That seems to be the Christian point of view. Assuming Jesus is everything the story says, I wonder what he would think about Doug and Jennifer? I wonder if they've ever asked themselves that question? Somehow I doubt it.
You said, "It can be unfair to make broad generalizations about groups of people who identify a certain way. Many times I've made generalizations about the types of people, and the way they think, that identify as devoutly religious." But isn't your generalizations about people who claim to be Christian wrong too?
["Jennifer thinks they "chose" that "lifestyle"]
Actually if you read my comment on your previous post, you will see that I never said it was your "choice"
And don't go all out on account of me. You say you keep explaining things over and over but you never answered the questions I put to you regarding the quotes that you said. Yes, I know you feel dehumnized. I got that loud and clear. That is why I asked you the specific questions. It is in your quotes, where you contradict yourself and you haven't discussed them at all.
Alright.. on Monday I'll do a cut-down version of what I was going to write, and address those specific quotes.. and I'll also get to Doug's comments.
So.. before I get started.. just want to verify whether or not you think it's a choice to be gay.
No, I don't believe it is a choice. I am attracted to guys that is just the way I am, same for you. If it was a choice, I can't really see people putting themselves through everything that gays are up against. And like I said before, I don't have a problem with you getting the same rights, it has to do more with the wording than anything. That is where we differ.
Okay.. just wanted to verify before I waded back into it..
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