The Anti-Obama, Anti-Wright, and Anti-Clinton GOP Model Has Been Tested -- And It FailedOf course. While the loons like Doug run screaming from the GOP, claiming the GOP isn't "conservative", the rest of the nation knows that it is absolutely the ideology of "conservatism" that we reject.
The Republican brand has been so badly damaged that if Republicans try to run an anti-Obama, anti- Reverend Wright, or (if Senator Clinton wins), anti-Clinton campaign, they are simply going to fail.
This model has already been tested with disastrous results.
In 2006, there were six incumbent Republican Senators who had plenty of money, the advantage of incumbency, and traditionally successful consultants.
But the voters in all six states had adopted a simple position: "Not you." No matter what the GOP Senators attacked their opponents with, the voters shrugged off the attacks and returned to, "Not you."
The danger for House and Senate Republicans in 2008 is that the voters will say, "Not the Republicans."
Doug seems to think that if the GOP just goes further to the right, Americans will suddenly embrace their ideology again. Doug thinks this because he's just not very bright.. sadly.
I feel a certain sense of sadness that it had to come to this point for Americans to realize what the rest of us knew years ago. I keep thinking that when people are wrong about the most profound issues (Iraq for example), they should just shut the fuck up and let the adults run things.. but that's not how it works in a democracy. We have to suffer the idiots until it becomes all too obvious what a failure this radical right wing machine is.
When you look at how the "conservatives" are framing the presidential election, all you have to do is check and see what Doug is saying.
Obama's buddy, Bill Ayers, was caught stepping on the American Flag in 2001 - - - At the time this photograph was taken, Obama and Ayers were serving together on the board of the Woods Fund. Interesting, Obama's buddy shows no respect for the flag in that photo, and Obama didn't show respect during the singing of the National Anthem. Connection?Where to start..
Ayers is, apparently, Obama's "buddy". I understand that Doug is completely devoid of any sense of shame.. but come on.. buddy? Ayers happens to serve on the same board as Obama, and that's the extent of their relationship. That's it.. nothing more. Obama did not choose to include Ayers on the board, and Obama has said, and it's unfortunate that he even needed to, that he doesn't share Ayers point of view.
This whole "lack of patriotism" thing is silly. I often accuse Doug of writing with a crayon, but really.. that's just silly. The loons are trying to suggest that Obama is less than American, or somehow isn't patriotic, or somehow hates America.
That's how vapid their arguments have become. Have you no shame at all? I really don't think so because you fucking do it over and over.

Was Bush hating on America, or is he just too stupid to know where his heart is?
I report, you decide...
Ultimately, what you'll see from the right wing, and particularly the completely immoral ones like Doug, is simply character innuendo. Not one time has Doug actually argued against Obama's policy. Again, that's because Doug is pretty stupid and lacks the intellectual capability to address substantive issues. He'll keep throwing shit around about "patriotism", and doing things like posting pictures of Obama in traditional African clothing.. and making claims about associations with other people. Doug will even further the innuendo that Obama is a closet Muslim.
The only chance the Republicans have against Obama is to convince people that he is a Manchurian candidate.
At the exact same time they use these silly, vapid, child-like attacks, they claim they are "Christian" and "moral". No.. I'm sorry.. you're just a bunch of really stupid assholes that can't debate on policy. Your immorality and lack of character is stunning, but that is what defines you Doug. That is all you can do, and it's just so sad.
Speaking of the Manchurian candidate.. in the plot of the movie, the candidate was imprisoned by the Chinese and tortured. Which candidate for president was held prisoner and tortured by Southeast Asians? Could it be..

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