And again, the irony is amusing.. Doug continuing to leave comments here and deleting everything off his blog that isn't an "omg you're so right again!!" patronizing remark.
You said, "It can be unfair to make broad generalizations about groups of people who identify a certain way. Many times I've made generalizations about the types of people, and the way they think, that identify as devoutly religious." But isn't your generalizations about people who claim to be Christian wrong too?Sometimes generalizations of certain types of people, or groups, is valid. There's always exceptions, but you can describe a norm of behavior or ideology that is a common characteristic of the group.
The key is to substantiate the argument, with valid references, and persuasive argument.
Here's a recent example on Doug's blog. He's trying to draw an analogy of a police state to secular policies... rather similar, I might add, to Ben Stein's attempts in Expelled - which completely fell flat.
Doug links to World Net Daily 4 times in that single post.. World Net Daily is otherwise known as Wing Nut Daily. It is a right wing propaganda rag, passing itself off as a "news" organization. It's a favorite reference for the right, but has zero credibility in journalism. Fox News is absolutely fair and balanced by comparison.
Just one stunning paragraph from that post;
The liberal left desires that The State (big government) be all things to all people. They encourage dependency upon The State through entitlement programs while squashing faith and self-sufficience. Anything not in agreement with their agenda is suppressed (as Creationism is in academia, how discussions of faith are because the Christian faith refuses to accept homosexuality as a valid lifestyle, Pro-Family books and addresses because they defend the family unit). And as this agenda incrementally advances, eugenics peeks over the horizon, and the liberal left's own green agendas stands in the way of their own supposed advancements and religion of saving the planet from ourselves.He takes me to task for generalizing and then writes something like that.. completely devoid of any real substance.
Creationism isn't fucking "suppressed". It's just bad science. Everything you need to know about Expelled is explained here.
The rest.. well, as usual, just a bunch of unsubstantiated, made up, tripe.
How chilling is it that today's society is hell-bent on eliminating God, eliminating faith, and suppressing scriptural teachings and values. The commonalities between The Obsolete Man and the path our society is on is chilling, indeed.How chilling is it that a Christian rapture freak may someday end up with the authority to launch nuclear weapons?
That said, the premise that Doug illustrates is simply silly. He seems to think we're going to label people as obsolete, and execute them as some sort of government program?
Pardon me.. but who is it that is hell bent on executing prisoners, and who is the bleeding heart liberal?
For fucks sake..
Anyway.. back to Doug's comment.. this part related to his observation that the "housing slowdown" is a myth.. because he works construction and is, apparently, busy.
Once again, it's completely unsubstantiated. He cites absolutely no statistics to corroborate his observations. In Doug's narcissistic world, because it is what he is seeing, that means that it's universal.
Actually, Tom, I used to be a loan officer, and a Financial Advisor. I entered construction to do something different, and at the time it was quite lucrative.I don't give a fuck if you're Alan fucking Greenspan.. you just pull facts right out of your ass and expect people to believe it?
I don't give a shit what job you work.. How about I give you the real fucking statistics once again? Here, read.. nutjob. New housing starts in 2007 were down 35% from 2005. Heck, housing starts for March 2008 (last month data is available from the fed) is down 28% from 2007, and down 54% from 2006.
Honestly, I don't have to work. But I don't normally tell people that, but since your guesses about me have been so off the mark, I thought I would tell you so that you could perhaps head back in the right direction. And honestly, people are amazed how much goes into the construction industry in the sense of thinking, and I suppose my education has been helpful. Then, when people find out how much I am worth, or that I own prime property on the Oregon Coast, they are amazed that I even work at all. Like you, I too am able to go out on fantastic trips, and concerts, and spend a buttload of money as you have stated in your posts before (Rush concert?), but unlike you I don't go around telling everybody. In fact, I think this is the first time on the internet I have even uttered such. I prefer people to think I am no different than everyone else so that they don't make assumptions about me in the other direction . . . maybe that's why you have in your head that I am some poor neanderthal construction worker that grunts in the morning, whistles at the women passing by on the sidewalk at lunch, and comes home with a silver hard hat on my head and a half smoked cigar in my mouth in the evening, thumping his bible on weekends. Perhaps you shouldn't stereotype like that. After all, you accuse me of many things, stereotyping for one, and when you make assumptions about me in your posts rarely are you accurate..There's a reason why it's important to know what a particular person's frame of reference is when they offer an opinion. You try and pass yourself off like everyone else, but when you advocate tax policy and entitlement benefits without informing readers that you're wealthy, that makes you a hypocritical fraud.
I only explained my situation so that when an issue comes up, such as tax cuts for the wealthy that I argue against, I'm not doing so because I'm a lower income American, jealous of the wealthy. In other words, I offer full disclosure about my situation so it can be judged in the context of the issues I'm arguing.
You somehow think it's a virtue to conceal that information while you simultaneously argue positions advantageous to wealthy Americans.
If I'm making any assumptions about you, it's because you're a shitty writer and do NOT offer the complete information that is necessary to form a judgement about the credibility of the opinion.
Again, I don't care what your job is. I don't make value judgments about people who work construction. I'm just saying that you're full of shit.. passing off uncorroborated bullshit as if it's factual information.. which turns out to be wrong, time and time again.
I do this over and over Doug. Haven't you noticed that I fact-check your assertions and more often than not, they are complete bullshit? Haven't you noticed that yet?
It has nothing to do with your fucking job, and everything to do with getting the facts straight and not just making shit up all the time.
In fact, based on your posted stereotypes and interpretations of what I say, I am amazed that you even consider yourself intelligent, or in touch with the real world. Example: I never specifically said that "all poor people are lazy," but you not only decided that is what I meant, but even convinced another person of it (Jennifer). Think about it. All? That's idiotic."All"? That's what you are taking exception to? That I said you think "all" people are lazy? Serious?
So.. which ones are the lazy ones Doug? You think not "all" people are lazy, so which ones are the lazy ones that shouldn't get any assistance? Who decides? You?
Do you not see the horrible disconnect in what you just said? Not "all" people are lazy? We all know that Jennifer is on disability but not "lazy", so she's okay.. but other people might just be that insidious breed of "lazy" that just wants to live off government entitlements, right? And Doug has a magic "lazy" wand that is going to turn the lazy people a bright yellow color.. so they can be thrown off programs like disability.
Once again, this is all due to you being a horrifically shitty writer. I simply quote your own words, in their entirety, and draw the logical conclusions from what you've said.
Your stupidity is, frankly, stunning. Didn't you read the comments where Jennifer was irritated that you think that I, somehow, convinced her that you were a condescending asshole? No.. she came to that conclusion all on her own, based on what you wrote. Now, here you are once again claiming that I have a mystical persuasion ability to convince other "conservatives" that you're a condescending prick.
It's your fucking words you stupid fuck. I quote it all.. every last fucking word, and I think I am spot on with my observations and judgments on the implications of what you are saying. So stop blaming me because you can't fucking write your way out of a wet paper bag.
You keep claiming, over and over and over, that people on entitlements will have no incentive to get off entitlements.. You make no mention of those that are disabled (like Jennifer).. you make no mention of which entitlements you're talking about. You make no mention of the myriad of specifics that are critical to the issue, and instead use the debating equivalent of a monkey throwing shit at the people peering in his cage.
Which entitlements would you do away with? Do you get to decided who deserves benefits and who doesn't? Do you even know that the government has a fraud and abuse unit that investigates criminal abuse of the system?
Every single fucking thing you've written about welfare or entitlements is dripping with disdain for people having financial hardships... as if they are to blame for their situation. Who the fuck made you the judge?
And if you've got so much fucking money.. why didn't you pay for your son's cancer treatment, instead of him taking Medi-Caid from the state of California? Fucking hypocrite.
In fact, there are many instances of you making assumptions about my meaning, and it does drive me a little batty when you do so.So learn how to write with clear meaning and intent, and substantiate your arguments.
At one point I even decided to respond on the liberal haven site to all of your untruths and assumptions, but I decided to close the site because "ballbuster" was being too obnoxious right off the bat, and I really didn't want to deal with that ass again.

It had nothing to do with you. Besides, unlike you, I really don't have the time to go chasing after everything you say and try to correct each inaccuracy.Not even one single time Doug. You have not corrected an inaccuracy even once.
I have never posted one single factual assertion on my blog that was not true. Not one single time... and if I did, and somebody pointed it out, I'd correct it right away. You simply refuse to correct the record no matter how many factual assertions you post that I prove is complete bullshit. Most times, like the housing slowdown statistics today, it only takes me a minute or two to find it.
And to tell you the truth, I cancelled out the liberal haven site before I realized you had commented there. Also, you assume that everytime I say "particular liberal blogger" I mean you. . . are you that arrogant? Please, there are more venom filled libs out there that love to give me shit than you.Oh no.. the ones I'm referring to are the posts where you paraphrase something I had recently written and attribute it to "a particular liberal blogger". Clearly you are rerferring to me, but in the dishonest and bizzare haze your head must be floating in, you don't think it's important to argue against what a person actually said instead of just making it all up.
You do it over and over. That's your style. I get it.
The fact remains, you get full and unfettered access to offer your point of view here. The fact remains that every single time I parse your posts, I quote you directly and link. I do not paraphrase against straw man arguments, which you do constantly.
And the fact remains that you will not allow a single dissenting comment on your blog because you're a coward.
Anyway, I come to your site because yours is the most entertaining to read. . . the level of idiocy knows no bounds. . . you are entertaining. I, unfortunately, can't take a page out of Red Sox Manager Terry Francona's play book when he says he doesn't care what people say about him, nor does he read about it. . . perhaps I should. Maybe I am weak when it comes to my sick curiosity regarding what you write. Well, I can't wait to see what you are going to write about after you read this comment . . . it is sure to be fun, and full of inaccurate assumptions! Ciao, until later.Idiocy? Really?
I may be a jerk.. I may use a lot of profanities, and I may be rude.. and angry.. or whatever the fuck it is that makes the Jebus' freaks heads explode, but I back up my argument. I substantiate it all.. and you just keep writing these really weird bullshit screeds, completely devoid of any real accuracy... as if you are some sort of authority on any subject you write about.
Oh.. and while I'm at it.. because you insist that "In a competitive world, success is naturally defined in the terms of money, power, and influence", I wonder.. how is it you came to be wealthy? Did you earn it yourself, or was it a insurance settlement.. or an inheritance? If you're going to point your finger of condemnation at others, I wonder.. how is it you became a "success" Doug? I'm just dying to know your formula for success.
Do share..
you are entertaining, Tom. . . hard work first, already a success, then inheritances followed, to answer your question. . . as for the son, he was an adult, I do not bail my kids out, they must face up to their responsibilities, and it was his choice to use the system. He has since procured insurance and will probably never find the need to use the system again. I don't have a problem with temporary use of the system, it is those that make it a lifestyle of dependence that chaps my ass. By the way, thought you'd be interested since you once made the comment that you think Jonathan Davis' dad abused him, tonight my guest was Jonathan Davis' dad, and he explains "Daddy" and what the reasons behind that song were. . . thought you'd enjoy that. I think it's about half way through the show he discusses it. here's the link:
You know, I have been stewing over the "formula for success" statement, and have decided that even though you don't have a need to know, just to keep you from continuing with your innacurate statements about my little part of the world, and how because I am a heavy equipment operator you assume (stereotyping?) I'm some big dumb consruction worker. So, in a nutshell (pistachio? ha ha, that was a joke, lighten up a wee bit, will ya?), because of my disabilities my doctor recommended I go on permanent disability. Naturally, I sought a second opinion. That doctor too said I am too disabled to work, and the stress of work will kill me before age 30. Being the self-reliant person that I am, I went against doctor's orders and remained in the work force. After the military I was a banker, which eventually led me to becoming a financial advisor (medical and life insurance sales, as well as investments/securities), and then a credit collector on the side. When I had the opportunity to work for a city, and move closer to getting into politics, I took it at a slight loss of money, working for Building and Safety, Planning and Development, and Business License. After a few years of that, I moved to construction. Hmmm, that's a strange jump, isn't it? Well, it was more lucrative to get into construction. The trencher I operate cost 100K. My brother and I worked together. The charge is $1.75 per foot, and I usually dig about 5,000 feet per day. Price per foot goes up as the ditches get deeper, and of course there is a moving charge with the big rig moving the equipment to the job, tractor charge, and lay out charge since being able to read blueprints/plans takes more brains than most people have, and more ability than most people discover. On straight ditch jobs I dig about 15,000 feet per day, my brother, on the other machine, is slightly faster. He's more eye-hand coordinated than I am, but hey, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Anyway, to figure out my finances, you can do the math. Remember, that is average 5,000 feet per day at $1.75 per foot minimum, working when it is busy six days per week. That's why I laugh at your elitist attempts to proclaim how well you and your other does and how you spent 10,000 bucks at a Rush concert, and about the cars you can buy (with a loan). I have never had a car loan, can't tell you about them. As for education, I have more than I will tell you. My wife has five degrees, and I helped her with her homework. Does that give you a clue? As for my writing ability? I actually am a good writer, with little time to proof read my blogs. I say what I mean, but you are so subjective in finding something wrong that you miss the point. Remember that disabled soldier article that was being sent back to Iraq? You got all hot and bothered over the VA benefits that you missed the point - my point was the soldier signed a contract, and he was unwilling to fufill it. Sounds like those mortgage busts, they signed a contract and now they want to be bailed out. Aren't contracts important to you? Shouldn't the soldier fulfill his contract? After all, my disability is more than his ten percent and I fought to stay in the military. As for the fact that you call me a shitty writer, I find it interesting, when I sent you the link to my Conservative Crusader Story you didn't bitch how badly it was written - that's because I took a little more time with it. Unlike you, I normally don't spend hours upon hours at my computer trying to make sure everything is just perfect so that no one will think I am stupid. Are you that worried that someone like you might start harping on your writing? Oh, and as for your remark about my article regarding the housing industry and my little corner of the world, I am big enough in this business that I have my finger on the pulse of the housing industry. Don't make assumptions, it makes you look like an ass. By the way, I don't go around telling people all this because I am not one that thinks I am higher than everyone else. I am no different than the other bloggers, and my income, or family, or whatever, does not define who I am. I have only gone into these details so that you will quit making false assumptions and quit continuously lying about me in your ill-founded, rants. And I don't point a finger of condemnation at others, as you proclaim. That is just how you see it. I point out what is right and wrong. Absolute right and absolute wrong in some cases. Of course, often there are exceptions, like killing is murder, but not in war, or involuntary manslaughter. Oh, and by the way, Jenn is right, the only unpardonable sin is rejection of Christ, but I am planning a big post for that soon so be on the lookout. You will love it, and as always, your angry tirade in response will be amusing and entertaining, I don't doubt. Looking forward to you freaking out because the big bad Christian told you that it is wrong to "choose" homosexual conduct. . . oh, and I will explain that "choose" part too, since you are too shallow to understand that I don't think you just woke up one morning and decided, "Hey, I think I'll be gay!" Until then, continue to rant about me and Jenn and Jon and all of the other loons out there, I am enjoying reading your idiocy.
Thanks for the giant wall of text... gives me something to do on Monday afternoon.
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