WASHINGTON - President Bush said tax rebates will start going out Monday, earlier than previously announced, and should help Americans cope with rising gasoline and food prices, as well as aid a slumping economy.That 300 bucks is going to make a HUGE difference for me.. you know. How much did I pay in taxes last year? It was something like 15k.. and now I'm being stimulated because that fucking chimpanzee of a president we have is giving me back $300 of my own money.. and somehow that's supposed to do something?
"Starting Monday, the effects of the stimulus will begin to reach millions of households across our country," Bush said Friday in remarks on the South Lawn of the White House.
"The money is going to help Americans offset the high prices we're seeing at the gas pump, the grocery store, and also give our economy a boost to help us pull out of this economic slowdown," Bush said.
"It's obvious our economy is in a slowdown. But, fortunately, we recognized the signs early and took action," Bush said.
I think I'll buy some stuff from over-seas with it just to spite the bastards.
It all fails basic math. The fed taxes us, cause you know government has to be paid for (that's the theory anyway).. and then they turn around and spend millions of dollars to give us back a pittance of what we've already paid them.
And then the fucking leader of the free fucking world says that it'll aid with buying food.. buying gas.. and aid a "slumping" economy.
You know what it's going to do? For the vast majority of people, it's going to go towards paying debt, because the vast majority of people are IN debt.
The other thing that bugs the shit out of me is this idea that because I'm not married and I don't have kids that somehow I shouldn't get back the same amount of my own money that other people do. Talking about redistribution of wealth.. this is distributing wealth from the single child-less people to the breeders.
It's all so monumentally stupid.. and reason #425,231,545 why virtually every aspect of Conservative ideology is just fucking retarded. They fucked up the economy, and now want to give us all a piece of our own money to fix it?

Thanks for the check.. jackass. On second thought.. maybe I'll just give it to Barack Obama.
1 comment:
Thanks for the check.. jackass. On second thought.. maybe I'll just give it to Barack Obama.
That sounds like a great idea. Well that, or buy a BBQ for the back yard...
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