Thursday, March 06, 2008


I've noticed that Americablog has turned into a Hillary hate-fest of a blog. I left a comment on a post last night (something I almost never do) noting that John Aravosis has turned his blog into something Andrew Sullivan would be proud of.

The comment got deleted.

I suppose they consider it "concern trolling", but it's quite apparent how anti-Clinton the blog has become. It's strange the comment would get deleted.

In any case.. Hillary Clinton is a very popular candidate for President, from the Democratic party. We might support Barack Obama, but it's silly to write post after post bashing on Clinton. It's getting annoying, and the enjoyment value of reading the blog is declining quite steadily.

It really is exactly like reading Sullivan.. and it's just annoying.


CW said...

I used to love Americablog. But Aravosis has gone nuts. I posted a mild defense of Hillary over there and was banned immediately. I didn't use any foul language or anthing.

Later at a friend's house I tried something out of curiosity. I posted several comments about "Shillary" being a dishonest witch and how Bill destroyed the Democratic Party. Guess what? Immediately tons of posters chimed in with excitement and support. They are literally quoting from the vile GOP attacks of the 90's against both Bill and Hillary. There is some really sick stuff going on over there.

After completely demonizing Hillary and literally calling her "evil", how in the heck do they expect to gain the support of those who were previously choosing her over Obama?

Tom said...

It really is an embarrassment to the progressive blog-o-sphere..

I understand supporting a particular candidate.. and I understand trying to make a case for that candidate.. but Aravosis has completely lost his mind.. and turned the blog into a non-stop screeching, nails on the chalkboard, pale of vomit.

It's not interesting to read. It's not entertaining.. It's not useful, or informative. It's just a non-stop rain of bile on a very popular Democratic candidate. I'd like to see Obama win, but I'd be happy with Clinton, and it would be a huge step forward in the right direction.

You know.. Aravosis has turned Americablog into the exact same thing as the most hard-core right wing swamps... with ever more lemmings nodding their heads in agreement and saying the most god-awful things about one of OUR own candidates!

I never liked the term moonbats.. but that's what it's becoming over there... just a bunch of morons that jump when John says jump.. and childish spittle flying snide comments for one of our own candidates.

For.. fucks.. sake..

I just left this comment on a post there.. Bet it gets deleted as well..


On Thursday, I left a comment with a prediction for an over/under on the number of anti-Hillarly Clinton posts we'd see on Friday. I set the over/under to 5, and choose the over.. There were exactly 5 posts bashing Hillary.. so I guess that's a push.

Saturday is typically a little slower for a news day, so I'm setting the over/under at 3 anti-Hillary posts.

Has Andrew Sullivan bought Americablog or something?