Monday, March 31, 2008

A Scared Little Man

(updated below) (update 2)

Below is a comment that I left on Doug's blog that he felt was so "disruptive" that he had to delete it.

Also.. Jennifer, the "Conservative Chic" left a comment on my "Doug is crazy" post from last week. She refers to Doug behaving "cowardly" and I about fell out of my chair. But then, I've had some back and forth debates on her blog.. that get quite involved. She doesn't pitch a fit and start whining about "trolls" and delete every opposing viewpoint. Over on Doug's blog, there is no dissension allowed, because he's such a hack and a coward, the propaganda is all that matters. It's all about the movement.

Jennifer has bigger balls than Doug.. LOL

That's why this is all so delicious.. because his movement is unravelling, and the "conservative" party has used and abused the Christian freaks - and are kicking them to the curb. John McCain is their candidate for Pete's sake.

The "culture war" is over. The "morally absolutist" freaks lost.. and as Doug likes to say, "losing is a natural consequence of winning".

You're a loser Doug.

I said I'd "try" not to comment here.. and being a fallible human, gave in when you start debating me without actually debating me.

I don't care if you don't think I deserve the traffic or not. I don't care about traffic. I do care about people arguing against points I've never made, whilst simultaneously avoiding the actual text of what I've written. That makes you a typical conservative and a liar.

As for the "calling of names" - that's hypocrisy of the highest order. I can find any number of examples of you calling liberals "anti-American", "troop haters", "communists", "fascists", and on and on. Me calling you stupid pales by comparison, but you can't understand why.

I've written a response to your post. I quoted your entire post.. every single word of it, and added my arguments. There is nothing you can argue I took out of context, because I've provided the full context by using your entire post for reference. There is not a single "profanity" to upset your delicate sensibilities in the entire thing.

It can be read here.

Doug is whining about "entitlements" again. Naturally, he doesn't mention which entitlements should be abolished.

And then I stop and think.. what synapses have to have burned out for him to not realize that he's making a silly over-broad argument with zero substance?

Really.. does it not occur to him that to have an effective argument, he might need to actually detail the substance of the argument with details?

Then he goes on to whine about the way some people preface their native heritage to the definition of their nationality. His wife isn't a "Mexican-American" you know. She's just an American!

The tradition of prefacing our native culture is not some nefarious plot to undermine our national pride. It's simply a recognition of our country of origin.

I was born in Arizona.. but the vast majority of my genetics comes from Ireland - and before that, England.. and so I consider myself an Irish American, if I even care to preface it.

The point is.. there is no real significance to prefacing the "American" title other than as a nod to our native culture.. yet Doug feels the need to goose-step all over it.

Oh.. and news for you Doug.. McCain is going to lose badly. You might have 2 Hispanic relatives that are going to vote for him, but the vast majority of the rest of the Hispanic-Americans are not.

/update 2

Because Atrios nails it.. Notice how Chimpy and Douggie think exactly the same..

This sort of sentiment is actually pretty typical.

As part of its plan to ruin everything good and decent, ESPN let George W. Bush into the booth during the Braves-Nationals game tonight, where he proceeded to inform us of the great opportunities playing professional baseball offers inner-city youth.

Basically, if anyone from a poor background manages to succeed in some endeavor such as baseball, and go from being poor to rich, then its proof that such backgrounds aren't barriers to success. More than that, those who fail to become professional baseball players are just losers.

Lots of people in this country are basically born on 2nd and 3rd base and then manage to stay there for the rest of their lives. And many of them look down on those who start at home plate and fail to hit a home run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bigger balls....I thought that quite funny. And I'm glad you realize that all opinions are welcome on my blog, not those that just happen to aggree with me. To be honest there is not a whole lot we agree on, but this post had a lot of things that made me go hmmmm!

Well, you already know how I feel about people who only let "agreeing" comments on their blogs. They like to be heard but cannot handle it when anyone questions their way of thinking. And I think that rather narrow minded. I'll be the first to admit that when someone offers me a different viewpoint, my first reaction is to immediately say they are wrong. But then I read it again and usually learn something new from it. It doesn't always mean that I agree with them, but knowledge is powerful. And it doesn't come from just one slanted way of thinking.

I once accused you of not having traffic, and realized what a mistake that was. He may have all the comments in the world, but if they all just say "You are right" after a while they get tedious.

I consider myself a conservative....or is it a wingnut to you? LOL But I don't consider myself a Christian freak and I am finding there is a huge difference.

I find the fact that he finds the poor lazy is appalling. I've had anxiety/syncope for the last 12 years and it has been a living HELL. I am on disability....does that make me lazy or any less of a person? About 4 years ago, I was doing a little better and went to school to be an EMT. I worked for about a year until, my anxiety made it impossible. How could I help someone else when I was passed out on the floor? Am I still considered lazy? This is not a conservative viewpoint, it is an ignorant one.

I don't abuse it, it is there to help us out on the bills. My husband works his ass off in a factory, does that make him any less of a person becuase he doesn't make 6 figures?

I am still hoping on McCain though!! :-)