Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Quote of the Day

To answer a question he had, the Rude Pundit called a prostitute friend. Is there a qualitative difference between a three-diamond whore, who, at the Emperor Club, went for $1000 an hour, and a seven-diamond whore, who goes for $5500 an hour? Does a seven-diamonder have, like, a hydraulic pussy that'll squeeze your cock to the point where you'll experience pleasure you've never had before? The hooker equivalent of space flight? Her answer was, "The same reason people buy ugly paintings by famous artists or stay in penthouse hotel rooms for a night. Because they can. Status, you know."

And she assured me that, for only a couple hundred bucks, she could make the Rude Pundit experience weightlessness. Time will tell.
I should start referring to myself in the 3rd person. It seems that important people, or people who want others to think they are important, do that.

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