I'm finding that this is a real challenge for bloggers especially. Especially during this campaign, I'm all but surgically attached to the web. I'm working 24/7, and increasingly isolated from social interaction. Going to the Atlantic offices helps, but getting a grip on this thing is hard. The blogging mind does not easily adjust to reading a book or allowing an unformed thought stay unformed. Even when you carve out time for more offline reading or living, it's hard to switch gears. And the danger of burnout is serious.Andrew Sullivan is reminding me of Doug (quoted in a post below). Both are narcissists with a victimization complex.
Sullivan makes a great deal of money from writing on the web.. and then whines about it. He lives on the coast in Provincetown for fucks sake.. Jesus christ, what an asshole.. danger of burnout? You get fucking paid for that shit you fucking twit. God damn.. try working a real fucking job sometime..
That same mentality allows Sully to say shit like this;
This from a Bush champion - arguably the rookie who made the biggest military blunder in American foreign policy - and with far worse consequences - since the Bay of Pigs. Look: I made the same mistake. But at least I've dealt with it.He's "dealt with it"? That biggest military blunder exceeds only the biggest pundit blunder in American pundocracy.. but hey.. Sully has "dealt with it".. presumably by admitting he was wrong, and then going right back to the punditry business without having learned a thing.
Thousands of Americans are dead.. over a million Iraqis are dead.. Every single post Sullivan writes should include the caveat, "I was wrong about the most important policy decision in my lifetime, so buyer beware."
But Hey!!!!11 Sullivan's Dealt With It!!1
Good god.. they don't call him the Blog Queen for nothing. He's probably even broken a nail at some point in his blogging. Never let it be said he hasn't sacrificed for his craft.
Sullivan is running a "poll" to let the readers decide if his blog should allow comments.
Sully sez;
You can vote any number of times, so those who care strongly about this - pro and con - can have their passions reflected.The poll sez;
Thank you, we have already counted your vote.I'd wager my left nut that the "vote" will somehow turn out "no". In fact, it's already leaning that way.. but this fixed election gives Sully some sense of credibility for not having them..
And then Sullivan goes and bashes Paul Krugman, and his excellent Op/Ed.
Krugman has vastly more experience, qualifications, and judgement than Sullivan.. he's also been fucking right about the most important policy decisions facing this country.. which is a hell of a lot more than mister "I made a mistake" can say.
Fucking idiot.
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