On Thursday, I left a comment with a prediction for an over/under on the number of anti-Hillarly Clinton posts we'd see on Friday. I set the over/under to 5, and choose the over.. There were exactly 5 posts bashing Hillary.. so I guess that's a push.The post got deleted.
Saturday is typically a little slower for a news day, so I'm setting the over/under at 3 anti-Hillary posts.
Has Andrew Sullivan bought Americablog or something?
I just posted this comment.. I'm sure it will get deleted as well. They've gone beyond annoying into "you're a bunch of fucking freaks" territory.
Hillary is clearly the anti-Christ. Please, Americablog, keep posting more and more anti-Hillary stories. It doesn't matter if she's a Democratic candidate, that millions of Democrats support. They don't realize she is evil and must be stopped.I've removed them from the side bar.. I'm sure they wouldn't give a fuck considering they are a large blog and I get like 50 or so readers a day.. but it's more symbolic than anything.
In fact, Americablog should post nothing but anti-Hillary stories. That's pretty much all there is now, so why not make this blog the complete resource for all your "Hillary killed Vince Foster" needs.
I'm sure millions and millions of Democrats will want to come here each day to get their anti-Hillary propaganda.. to carry forward to the masses of uninformed Democrats.
I just spent a half hour in an Americablog thread.. trying to argue my point.. and it's just pointless.
I do have to admit that as there are legions of Douglass V. Gibbs style Right Wing Loons, the left does have it's equivelant, and they've found a home at Americablog recently. Just the same as I cringed every time I saw Cindy Sheehan on tv, I cringe when I'm reading what these left-loons are arguing.
The difference is that the vast majority of the right are in-fucking-sane loons.. the left loons are actually a very small percentage. In terms of relating it to a blog.. I'm more a Duncan Black progressive than a John Aravosis progressive. It's just that Aravosis wasn't so overtly Sheehan until the last couple of months.
It's just painful to watch.
Americablog used to be one of the sites I checked constantly throughout the day. I honestly don't know what happened to Aravosis. Now, it's filled with so much hatred and vitriol I don't even recognize it.
When you read the comments, your head spins. They are calling Hillary all the really misogynistic and bigoted names used by the Republcans in the 90's. They're even linking to hit pieces against her from Drudge, WorldNetDaily, and AceOfSpades.
I'm a Hillary supporter and am now being called "evil", "stupid", "corrupt", a "Hitlery accolyte" and worse. It's insane. How do they expect us to support Obama should he win the nomination when they have played right out of Rove's playbook in demonizing Hillary. What is even more mind-boggling is that they are also going back in time and re-writing the Bill Clinton years, calling him a failed and miserably corrupt President. Unbelievable!
I wrote an update to this post that sort of tries to explain it.. but I do agree with you totally.
Those type of lefties have always existed, but Americablog wasn't their "home", as it were. The way John has changed it has brought it completely in-line with the tone and language of this vitriolic left.
I do want to make clear.. that I can be quite vitriolic when talking about Republicans and "conservatives".. and I substantiate my points.. but it's completely different when you fire those same guns at a major candidate in your own party. It just doesn't make any sense at all.
I feel dirty having just participated in that thread at Americablog.. and they have absolutely no qualms about the most rancid flames they can muster. They are absolutely convinced that Clinton is the enemy, and anyone that supports her must also be an enemy.. and deserving of the same hate-fest.
Ya.. ya.. I've always known about the crazy left.. but I just hoped that none of the major progressive activists would join their insanity. Aravosis has done that.
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