Anyone who knows me, knows that I despise "religion". However, I do find it quite amusing.. especially when the nuts attack each other.
Greenwald has been documenting, here and here, this weird story of St. John McCain embracing the endorsement of certified-lunatic "pastor" John Hagee. Hagee, like others of his ilk (Pat Robertson etc.), has said some pretty off the wall shit in his day. Greenwald has a collection of nice quotes to chew on. However, now the Catholics are pissed off, because Hagee thinks they are "whores" (and worse) - and St. John the McCain has taken Hagee's 2 inch phallus into his mouth to suckle, and the Catholics are pisssseddd..
It's all so funny.
Of course, for us liberal folks.. we're really irritated because Tim Russert found it all so important that Barack Obama kick black bigot Louis Farrakan in the nuts because Farrakan dared to endorse him.. unsolicited.. and unaccepted. However, St. John McCain (of the Straight Talk Express), has embraced and fellated a major league bigot and doesn't see any problem with it. Nobody else sees a problem with it either. The news media is not going to ask St. John about it either..
Because it's okay for the white evangelical freaks to hate whoever they want to hate.. because it's "based on the bible".. so they're not really bigots. They're just religious!
I've seen comments from the Loon Brigade that follow closely the rants of Hagee. I find it amusing because they are clearly demented.. all.. equally.. the Catholics.. the Jews.. the Evangelicals.. the Muslims.. all out of their fucking minds insane.. and they can't even see how odd it is that they think they're right, and everyone else is wrong.
Doug still thinks that mankind dates to ~6000 years ago. I still can't get over that. Doug thinks he should be taken seriously, and apparently some people do take him seriously.. and he's in-fucking-sane about a basic, fundamental, concept. But, you know.. the right wing Christian Evangelical Loon Brigade bases everything.. and I mean everything.. on the weird Biblical hallucinations they have. I've tried to have a substantive debate with them, but it's difficult when you're trying to keep from laughing at them from the get-go.
The thing I've been thinking about is.. why people are religious. There's 3 reasons. One is the fear of death. The idea that death is the end, and only the void remains, scares the piss out of people. I understand why, and it's a natural reaction. The second reason is tradition. People are brought up in their religion and are scared into believing that hell awaits them unless they follow (and give money to) the church. That's crazy. The third reason is "fellowship". They make a social club out of religion, and enjoy all the drama that goes along with it.
Is there a real way to stop organized religion in a reasonable time frame? We've seen more and more people abandoning their churches, but I honestly don't know how to accelerate that pace.
It's important.. because there never will be peace on this Earth until organized religion is destroyed.
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