Saturday, January 05, 2008


Watching CNN - portions of a John Edwards speech. He was really nailing the issues and both angered me at the current state of corporate dominance, and surprised me at how articulate and persuasive he is. He was simply fantastic, and he really would make a terrific President. He also referenced this story when talking about health care.

A 17-year old died just hours after her health insurance company [CIGNA] reversed its decision not to pay for a liver transplant that doctors said the girl needed.

Nataline Sarkisyan died Thursday night at about 6 p.m. at University of California, Los Angeles Medical Center. She had been in a vegetative state for weeks, said her mother, Hilda.

"She passed away, and the insurance (company) is responsible for this," she said.
How it's possible for an insurance company to decide who gets a transplant and who doesn't is beyond me. If I were the girl's father, they'd probably have to lock me up for a while lest I act in some appropriate physical way with the insurance company executives.

Still, assholes like Doug Gibbs insist on keeping the profit in health care finance, which directly leads to this sort of occurrence. He (and people like him) are too fucking stupid to understand that when people make profits for not paying for health care, it's going to adversely impact the insured. That's just common sense.

Doug offers not a single idea on how to resolve this problem, because he's simply an evil man. He doesn't give a shit about issues. All he cares about is opposing whatever liberals support.

Fuck you Doug. Your point of view lead to a 17 year old girls death, and you are complicit in it. Fuck you asshole.

Giuliani is now on the teevee, and he reminds me of that really creepy guy that lives down the street who you warn your kids to stay away from.

Oh.. and 9/11. 9/11.. 9/11.. 9/11... 9/11.... 9/11.....

He's got some applause for "How about winning in Iraq" as if he has this huge magic wand that he'll use to smite the "terrorists". Seriously.. he speech is focusing on kicking the shit out of other countries, and doesn't really explain how he plans to do that.

What a fucking douche bag.

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