Saturday, November 17, 2007

Post Debate Wrap-Up

I thought I got better as it went on.. but man.. Doug talks like he writes.. stream of conciousness, stringing together multiple concepts.. and 10 minutes later, when I get a chance to speak, I have a hard time remembering each argument he made, in sequence, and my rebuttal..

I'll go through the recording and write a more cohesive argument than the one I made on the show... when I get some time... and I'll probably have more to say about the debate later as well..

.. but again and again, Doug is surprised that I'm not some sort of foul mouth freak.. It really is impossible to explain my style to him.. and most of the other loons can't seem to understand that in the way that they think I'm vile, they are worse.. much much worse.. and that is the whole point why I write the way I do.... well, that and because I think it's fun.

So.. ya.. Doug.. you're still a fucking loon.. and just like I think you're a shitty writer (I should edit one of your posts and send it back to you), I think you have a lot to learn about conducting an interview. The reason I talked over you is because you weren't letting me finish my shorter and more concise points, and instead had to interject your rambling 10 minute diatribes about the Islamofasicstterraists that are living under our beds.


Douglas V. Gibbs said...

But you have to admit that it was fun, or at least, interesting.

Steve said...

I finally got through it. It was different... :)

Doug does like to talk a lot and you didn't get a lot of points in. It was unfortunate that a lot of your comments were cut off.

I'm looking forward to round 2, I hope ya'll figure somethin out for another show.

I'll refrain from commenting any further until you get a full wrap up of the debate, as I'm sure you'll cover a lot of the things I thought of during the debate.


Steve said...

OK, now that it's officially over I realize that round 2 has been scheduled. :)


Anonymous said...

I thought the debate went well, although like Steve said, you didn't get to make your points as much as I would have liked. He did talk a lot. I'm definitely looking forward to round two! If I am not around before tomorrow, Have a Great Thanksgiving!!