Monday, November 12, 2007

I Guess Not

Seems my two conditions for participation were over the top;

Because I really don't care about the numbers, it won't crush me if you decide not to come on the show. So, as a result, I will not unban you from my site. It is sort of like Penn Jillette from Penn and Teller. He is an atheist, and has made it loud and clear that he has no problem with people of faith, but will never allow anyone that believes in God to enter his house. He is not stopping freedom of speech. He just does not wish his children to be exposed to what he considers to be the lies surrounding the existence of God. It is his house, and that is his wish. He is entitled to such a wish. Political Pistachio is my house, and though I have no problem with a well thought-out argument of opposition, some of your rhetoric was something I preferred not to be on my site, nor was misrepresentations such as comparing me to Julius Steicher (whoever he is) welcomed. So, I banned you. I don't know that you can get around the ban, but if you can, I appreciate you respecting the spirit of it.
I don't suppose that Penn then turns around and asks those "believers" to participate in his show.

I'm probably going to decline the invitation... but I'll mull it over a bit.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Damnit now I have to make real plans for saturday night. :)
