Monday, October 29, 2007


Back to Teh Loon;

The following evening, before the Jason Robertson interview on Political Pistachio Radio, I met with a fellow Blog Talk Radio host (though a liberal). He hosts a show called No BS Found Here. And he asked a question that caught me off guard. It was regarding the prospect of Universal Health Care. He asked how I was going to provide pap smears and breast exams for my wife and daughter when health care costs became impossible to pay.

Personal Responsibility is my answer. The Government can't even balance the budget but people like KJ wants the government to run our health care? How insane is that? Besides, as a responsible citizen it is my duty to ensure I provide for my family, and I do so. Just because there are those that failed at it doesn't mean we should all be forced into a system that has been proven to fail. Just take a look at Canada and Europe. Absolute failures. Our health system isn't the best in the world for nothing. Turn it into a government beaurocracy and the best minds will stop becoming doctors because rather than being lucrative, being a doctor will be nothing more than just another government job. Wake up, people. Socialized medicine is a failure and takes away freedoms. One question: What if I don't want to participate? Buzzzzz. Wrong answer. According to the Dems, participation is mandatory. What are they going to do? Put me in jail for failing to participate in this Marxist health care system?
Oh.. so you reimbursed the state of California for your son's cancer treatment then, because Medic-Caid is "Marxist"?

Whose failure was that? Yours? Your son's?

Did you bother to note in your diatribe that the Government already funds more than half the health care provided in the United States - through Medi-Care, Medi-Caid, VA, and DoD? No? Why not?

You are an astonishing self-contradicting piece of shit Doug.. It's okay when you lack the "responsibility" to pay for your sons care. It's okay when your own son lacks the personal responsibility. It's okay when YOU fuckers take advantage of the "Marxist" health care system... But when somebody else is struggling and could use a hand, you say fuck them? They should be bankrupted? They should be dead because they can't afford the care?

You continually lie about health care.. and the fact is, you don't know a god damn thing about the issue. All you care about is the propaganda..

Besides.. we're not talking about changing the fucking provider side of the health care issue.. you stupid fuck. We're talking about doing away with the health care insurance industry that has caused costs to skyrocket, and left people to die by denying them life saving treatments.

We're talking about a SINGLE PAYER SYSTEM you stupid fucking asshole.

Stop lying already... Besides.. our system IS NOT the "best in the world" you lying fasicist nut job... and it IS lucrative for European clinicians you lying fuck. English physicians are making upwards of a half million a year..

I've written more about this topic previously. That post has a great comment from Doug himself;

At 12:15 AM, Douglas V. Gibbs said...
If we had Universal Health in this country my son would have died before receiving his life-saving surgery last month regarding cancer. Fact is, and you can do all the fact checking on this you wish, the wait for medical care and major surgeries are longer in countries with socialized medicine than in those with privatized medicine.
He's such a fucking moron that he doesn't know that "Medi-Caid" is a government funded health program. Waiting time only applies to non-life threatening and elective procedures, and is common even here in the US.

I need to see a pulmonary specialist. The wait time has been 6 weeks. I finally see him next week. How awesome is that?!?

Or more to the point.... he doesn't even know what "Universal Healthcare" means.


Tom said...

Didn't they teach you to paragraph in grammar school?

Still.. do you even understand the proposals that have been made? Do you understand the issue is paying for health care, not the care itself? Is it beyond your capability to understand that the vast majority of health care costs are paid under contract to the providers? None of that would change.

Were you aware the Veterans Health Administration (which Doug called "awesome") is actually a totally socialized system? Nobody is advocating that, so why don't you argue against what people are actually proposing?

The fact is, over 50% of the health care costs in the United States is paid for by the government. Do you want that all done away with? You want Medi-Care gone? Medi-Caid? VA? DoD? Federal Employee health care benefits?

You ignorance is stunning.

Anonymous said...

The National Health Service in the UK provides free health care to all, but is not very effiecient with it's resources. I'd say the best health care in the world can probably be found in France - free health care to all but at a higher standard than in the UK.


Tom said...

Nobody in the US is advocating a UK or French style health care system at this point.

That's the whole point that the right wing loons fail to grasp. They keep arguing against a position that nobody has.