Monday, October 29, 2007

The Essential Point

Matt Yglesias

Perhaps most important is what the story suggests about the declining violence in Baghdad (and perhaps elsewhere in the country): namely, that the spike in violence was associated with competing sectarian efforts at ethnic cleansing, and the decline in violence represents the success of those efforts...

This is the basically fraudulent nature of the American enterprise in Iraq. We're told we can't leave because of the civil war that would break out or intensify or whatever if we do. But our troops aren't really capable of meaningfully impacting the result of the sectarian conflict anyway. Instead, they're just being plopped into the middle of it and exposed to harm, so that when the conflict eventually ends (as conflicts tend to) we can call the results 'victory' and stay in Iraq forever. If the violence waxes, that shows the war needs to continue. If it wanes, that shows that we're winning and need to keep on keeping on. Meanwhile, in the real world, the civil war and ethnic cleansing we're supposed to be preventing are things that have already happened.
That has been my point for ages. What happens in Iraq will happen regardless of the precence of the US military. Therefore, it makes absolutely no sense to have more young American die for that which they cannot possibly affect.

Because all the loons know is death and destruction, good news or bad news is the same. Our troops must remain. We must "take the gloves off". We must kill more people.

... and that comes from the most hard core "Christians".

Vile.. evil.. assholes..

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