All of them.. from Ellen, to the dog rescue people.. to the adopting families.. to the media.. are crazy as fuck.. and that's not hyperbole..
I've seen these dog rescue people up close and personal because John used to be in one.. and they are self absorbed, self important, freaks. They're not so much concerned with the dogs as they are their own psycho freak obsession with their own sense of fake altruism. It's not about the dogs.. it's about them.
On my teevee right now.. they segued to Britney Spears...
If I had to be one of those blond media whores, trying to sound serious while discussing Britney Fucking Spears yet again, I'd have a hard time keeping the razor blade off my wrists.
.. and of course the whole thing is driven by advertising dollars, and ultimately, American's general stupidity.
Oh.. and the teevee is telling me that there is a super staph bug that is trying to destroy our way of life, and there's a good chance we're all going to die. We should raise the "threat alert level". Remember that thing from the '04 elections? Why don't we raise the alert, because these super ninja bacteria are killing far more Americans each year than the Islamic terraists could ever dream of.
Oh.. and a Burger King manager got in a fight with an armed robber yesterday... and since it was caught on video, it has to be played over and over.
/update 2
And then they segue to..
I know the boogey man is real.. and he lives on the web.
Call Chris Hanson!
Why don't you have a seat, right over there...

/update 3
My teevee is saying that TSA screeners at LAX failed to detect 75% of the fake bombs passed through security.
The vast majority of the stuff the government does in an effort to "keep us safe" is just a load of bullshit that has no real effect.. other than to spend tax money. Americans are paying for a false sense of security because most are just cowards.
It's good to know your alive and well and ever so sinical. I was getting worried. Do you know your e-mail isn't working?
Your loving sista Lynn
Ya.. there's definately something wrong with it. Like.. I'm supposed to get a mail when a comment is posted to the blog, and it's not working.. along with some other stuff. I'm not sure what the deal is.
My first thought when reading this was that Bounty Hunter from tv who got arrested for something...don't remember really. I kinda thought it was a little too...low brow...for you to watch.
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