I've been having a debate with some serious loons over at Jennifer's blog. There hasn't been any spittle flying shouting from the likes of Paul Courtier and his famous "Sorry Tommy YOU LOSE!!!!1111!!!!!!11".. and I was kind of having a good time with the back and forth.
I actually thought there was a fairly decent debate going, and I was making my points about the Iraq war - when they finally fessed up to what their whole point of view is about. This from some guy that goes by the moniker "Wadical".
(HERE'S WHERE I GET ALL "WACKO" CHRISTIAN ON YOU AND YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AND CHUCKLE.)And I thought.. ya.. dude.. I'm rolling my eyes, chuckling, and thinking that I'm an idiot for debating these people.. but I had no idea they were insane.
"Unbelievable" and "sad" for YOU, perhaps, because YOU are an atheist. It is quite "believable" and "inevitable" for US because WE are Christian. We believe that according to Biblical Prophecies that these are the end of times. Now I'm not going to predict a future date for you for the demise of our world. It could be today, it could be decades. Christ said that no one knows the hour of his coming but the Father. But he did tell us what to look for. He did tell us what the end times would be like. We believe those times have arrived. Christ could rapture his church TODAY and no requirements from any Biblical prophecy foretelling that event would go unfulfilled. The stage is set and all prophecies have been fulfilled for the Tribulation to begin. There will be no peace in Jerusalem until after a great and terrible battle in the valley of Megiddo. You know of what I speak. Whether you "believe" it or not is of no consequence. The world continues down the path foretold in the Bible and it stifles the imaginations of non-believers as to why? But WE just read and look and nod our heads, knowing that what God said will happen....IS HAPPENING.
You keep trying to figure it out. We've got it figured out already.
Wadical | Homepage | 10.04.07 - 1:12 pm | #
There can be no other consideration beyond an escalation of the conflict because it's all about the rapture.
These are extremely dangerous people.. and I shudder to think that any of them could actually be in our government - somehow influencing destructive foreign policy simply to try and conform events to their twisted idea of biblical prophecy.
Anyway.. I think I've made my point. They truly are crazy as fuck.
Robert said this in comments;
You are mistaken that any of us believe that world affairs are pre-ordained. We simply acknowledge that they have been predicted, which is nowhere near the same.And by magic, I'm going to demonstrate how that is false..
There will be no peace in Jerusalem until after a great and terrible battle in the valley of Megiddo. You know of what I speak.They have insisted that there can be no peace in Israel until Armegeddon. That is not a belief in a pre-ordained world affair?
That is THE definition.
So.. what is the point of diplomacy when the Bible says it's pointless? Just wait for Jesus!!
"Anyway.. I think I've made my point. They truly are crazy as fuck."
I merely bring your attention to the fact that our faith references the type of unrest that's happening in the middle east and that we believe it to be an integral part of world affairs and you use it as an excuse to exit the debate because now I'm ..."crazy as fuck"
Whatever, dude.
Beleive is the key word there.
I can beleive Anna Paquin is going to come to my door and hand me an ice cream sunday in 10 minutes, but that doesn't make it any less crazy as fuck. Even if I read it in a book somewhere.
It's not an excuse to exit the debate. It renders the debate pointless, as I mentioned in that thread.
It is impossible to have a rational debate with people who premise the politics of the mid east on the rapture, because nothing can alter the basic goal of the whole thing.. that is, the biblical bloodbath.
You knew when you wrote it that I was going to think you're a "wacko" and you were right... because it's pretty scary shit.
You don't read very well. No where in my comment did it say that America's actions in the middle east should be based on Biblical prophecy. No where.
Perhaps not, but I'd imagine you view the actions are pre-ordained as it all falls into place to match up with the prophecies.
That doesn't change my inability to debate with people who are fundamentally grounded in a completely different way then I.
I'm sure you don't believe that whiping out the "ZOMG Armageddon! YaY!" is rather crazy.. but I just have no counter argument for that other than.. "uh.. nutjob". Sorry..
Oh.. and I suppose it was supposed to be obvious to me.. but I really don't know what this means;
There will be no peace in Jerusalem until after a great and terrible battle in the valley of Megiddo. You know of what I speak.
I was just implying that what is happening, not just in the middle east but all over the world, makes sense to us as being inevitable. It doesn't however dictate our actions as a country, nor should it.
Yeah, it was and excuse.
So this is the lair to which you retreat. Your Moonbat cave, so to speak, hmmm. Like what you've done with the place. Little drafty but, nice.
There will be no peace in Jerusalem until after a great and terrible battle in the valley of Megiddo. You know of what I speak.
Armageddon. Megiddo is the word from which the battle referred to as Armageddon in the Bible is taken. There was a historical battle there and the Bible teaches that the final battle of Armageddon will be fought in that very place. I guess I assumed too much.
You know of what I speak.
A great eye. Lidless. Wreathed in flame.
Ya.. this is the moonbat cave. I tend to curse a lot, and can be rather insulting (at least from the insulted point of view). It's just a style that I have fun with.. I've never really made much of an effort to spruce the place up with banners and such.
I do take a certain amount of pride in being considered an infidel by pretty much every world religion... hence the name. Hard to believe it's been almost 3 years since I started it.
Regardless of an "exuse" or not.. I'm not sure what else I can add. I pretty much made my argument, and it's not persuasive to people who have your point of view, I know.
Doug Gibbs said this once when I was arguing with him..
And remember this, you can't convince me otherwise. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
So.. it's all just a mental exercise that eventually runs it's course.. but maybe the next topic comes up that's interesting I might want to bicker again.
It's actually easier to debate with Doug.. well, it's not really debating.. He writes a bald faced lie, and I spend a topic debunking it. That's kinda fun too. So far at Jennifer's, I haven't seen any false factual assertions. It's all just opinion - which is quite fine, but I just kinda ran out of gas.
Understood. I even run out of gas at my own place sometimes and take a self imposed sabbatical.
You are mistaken that any of us believe that world affairs are pre-ordained. We simply acknowledge that they have been predicted, which is nowhere near the same. You are also mistaken when you say that we would make policy in an attempt to fulfill any prophecy. None of us are in a hurry to die, it is just that we aren't afraid of death.
You are being intentionally obstinate.
My assetion that there will be no peaceful resolution to the Israeli Question is based on professional interpretation of the aims of Islamic radicalism, the stated aims of Hezbollah and Hamas, the policies of the collective Arab states, and the historical actions of the various players in this game.
I have not made a single statement about biblical prophecy in my posts, except to clarify the Christian position.
I'll tell you what, Tom, the day there's peace in Israel. I'll stand up on YouTube and make a video saying "Tom told me so".
LOL I'd love to see that!
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