Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Right Wing Loon

I created my first real post on my other blog, Right Wing Loon.

I'm not sure how often it will be updated. We'll see... but if you're sick and tired of all the foul mouthed debauchery here, be sure and check it out. Jesus would approve.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't allow anonymous comments otherwise I would've posted something to the effect of...

Great Post Tom!

Tom said...

It may not be setup correctly.. I'll fix that..

Steve said...

I prefer comments of the "you couldn't be more correct" variety.


Douglas V. Gibbs said...

Proof positive, as expected, that the Left has no sense of ethics. And your misrepresentations on that site sickens me. You sicken me. You are like the rest of the Liberal Left. Can't stand on anything properly, so you seem content to just spend all your time attacking the other side.

Tom said...

Sense of ethics? You lie continually Doug. You continually misrepresent the point of view of millions of Americans. You make the most vile remarks I have seen on any blog, and you hide behind your Christianity when you do it.

I can't "stand on anything properly"? Is that some sort of joke Doug?

I've asked you for debates many times - strictly on topic and I wouldn't even use any naughty words, and you won't do it. You know I'd crush your arguments and make you look like an uninformed tool. I do it contantly on my blog, by highlighting what YOU wrote. You totally ignore it, which is fine of course, but then accuse me of not "standing on anything" is laughable.

Then you turn around and and give me the "didn't I ban you?" bullshit line when I dare to have a substantive discussion on your own blog, while ignoring the harrasing by your bat-shit-insane readers?

You're so dishonest (actually a liar) that you can only argue against your paraphrasing of what other's have said. And you get it wrong... constantly. You hardly ever source your factual assertions, and you defame millions of liberal Americans constantly... and then you jump on some high horse to give me shit?

I make no bones about what I'm doing here. I've written it many times.. and it's FUN. I enjoy making you look like an idiot.. and I enjoy "attacking the other side", as you put it, because it's a political argument and I think my arguments are more persuasive.

You, on the other hand, are a hypocritical asshole that likes to play the "civil" card while being a total douchebag liar.

If you want to have a flame-free debate with me, on any topic, then bring it on... but we both know you won't.. because of my "trickery".. Right?


Tom said...

Oh.. and my RWL blog... is satire.. You know what satire is?