What fascinates me about these people, like Tom that just commented, is that they love to commit character assaassinations and underhanded techniques to get their points across, and then like Sean Penn and Michael Moore and Danny Glover, rub noses with the enemy and place America on their list of evil nations. Sad, really, to be so vested in defeat and anti-Americanism, that when the enemy begins to infiltrate America through creeping incrimentalism, they don't even realize it is happening.First it was my "trickery", now I'm using "underhanded techniques"? Like.. um.. how Doug?
Douglas V. Gibbs | Homepage | 09.28.07 - 5:47 pm | #
Oh.. I know.. it's by my quoting you, word for word, and arguing against it. God damn.. that's so fucking underhanded, and I didn't even realize it!!!11
Of course, then he goes on to compare me with some celebrities, accuse me of "rub(bing) noses wih the enemy" and being an "anti-American" "defeatist" again.... without.. you know.. substantiating any of it.
Hey Doug.. go fuck yourself.. in a Dick Cheney approved sort of way.. you lying fuck.
Jennifer's blog might be a good alternative to Teh Loon for me to engage the Loon Brigade. Jennifer said something breathtaking in this thread, in response to my calling them out on their saying things without actually saying them.
I will make this as clear as possible when I say "supporting our troops."Jennifer's argument is that if you are simply opposed to the war, and vocalize that view point, you do not "support the troops".
I've said this before, so I'm not really sure what you aren't getting.
The definition of support:
1. To provide for or maintain, by supplying with money or necessities.
2.To aid the cause, policy, or interests of
3.To argue in favor of; advocate
4. To act in a secondary or subordinate role to
But from my definition of the word support, you and others are not supporting the troops for the reasons stated above. You say you want facts, and I've given you them. Look at the definitions of support and tell me exactly how you are doing any of the above.
And then they wonder why I call them crazy as fuck? It is only the extreme fringe that holds that view point, but I suppose somebody has to be supremely fringe. To top it off, she refers to her "definition of the word support" as "facts". Those are opinions.. duh.
Oh.. and Jennifer.. because I'm not sexist, I treat everyone the same. Therefore.. fuck you, in a Dick Cheney approved way, for accusing me of being "against the troops".
You're a vile, and sick fuck for accusing millions of Americans that share my view that way.
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I've been reading Atrios for a few years now. It's a great blog. It's just not really worth commenting though. It's just such a large blog that individual voices get lost in the din. That's why I've always liked the smaller blogs that are more personal for the conversations.
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