Reading this week about John McCain's political implosion reminded me of that study. I'm not saying that electing a 72 year old is a bad idea, just that Americans think it's a bad idea. If you've seen McCain lately, he can't quite stand up straight, which isn't uncommon with someone his age. Again, if you consider FDR, that is meaningless to capability, but Americans won't vote for somebody who appears weak. A guy like Dennis Kucinich, regardless of his politics, could never get elected to the presidency because he doesn't seem very strong physically. I think McCain would be a horrible president, but not because of his age.
And, of course, the rest of the chart tells you who also will not be president - but more importantly tells you who will be. Mitt Romney is just now seeing the revolt of the Republican Jesus freaks. Giuliani is going to get absolutely hammered. Even the NYC Fireman's union is trashing Rudi. I hope he does get nominated as a twice divorced serial adulterer, with pro-gay and pro-abortion views. The pictures of him in drag are a bonus.
Most of the MSM are hoping Thompson gets in the race because he "smells" (according to Chris Matthews) like a real president. I'm pretty sure Thompson won't gain any traction, and I get the sense (with no evidence) that there's something disturbing about him - probably having to do with sex.
On the Democratic side, any one of them can win. Ultimately, it'll end up being 16 years of Democratic presidents. I really like John Edwards, but he's stuck in neutral at the moment. Hillary has the name, and Obama is bringing in the cash.
I'm ready to give my prediction. Clinton will win the presidency easily, with Obama VP - and Obama will succeed her. Obama's VP will be somebody not on the national political stage right now, but will be a white guy. It'll be important for race reasons that it look like there's a white guy keeping him in check.
I still wish Al Gore would jump in, but it's looking less likely as time goes on.
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