SkydiveRick said...Just for the record, I make no exceptions what-so-ever for Muslims and their "prayer" in public schools. It must be banned. Hell, it already is banned by SCOTUS ruling. The ban MUST be enforced.
I don't think anybody ever said anything about a theocracy, dipshit, only that it was wrong for the government to dictate religion - but see it's always against the Christians, not any other religion: case in point - where the schools are making special concessions for Muslim Prayer - but screw the Christians. Hypocrisy at its highest asshole.
There is no hypocrisy in my position - as it's not a "liberal" philosophy to give one religion access to the public domain and not the other. These are clearly insane people that allow any students time to pray in public schools. If the Muslims have to have prayer at a certain time during the school day, they can send their kids to private school. I support "school vouchers" to help offset the cost, just so long as I get a break on my property taxes since I don't have any kids in school.
What I find ironic is that the Christians are upset about it. They don't even recognize that the Muslims forcing their way into public schools also opens the door for them. I see absolutely no distinction between the bat-shit crazy Muslims and bat-shit crazy Christians. It's all the same.
Still, my original point stands. Doug thinks the word "creator", written by a Deist, refutes the concept of "separation of church and state" - when in fact it does not at all, for the reasons I stated in my original post.
In a sort of related point, I just saw a story on MSNBC that described this new tool that churches are using to collect tithes. It's called the "ATM for Jesus". I shit you not. Unfortunately I didn't get a screen shot, but it's basically an ATM in the church, and has a picture of Jesus next to it and some heavenly looking graphics surrounding the ATM. Apparently you put your card in, type your pin, and hit the button for your donation amount, and voila!
The Catholics could use it as well, but they could allow the parishioner to choose which court judgement against which pedophile priest they want their money to go to pay off.
MSNBC also reported that some churches have a standing 10% electronic deduction from member pay checks. Can you imagine that? You want 10% of my pay? LOL
/update 2
After a couple of days break from the "not in any way related to global warming" storms that have been flooding Texas to biblical proportions, we're getting blasted again. Lovely.
/update 3

MSNBC replayed the story and I got a cap.
Could you imagine Jesus' reaction? Sometimes I wish the whole story was actually true, and he actually did show up suddenly... minus the whole "end of the world" thing. I think he'd be pissst at the so-called "Christian" hypocrits that have twisted his message.
By the way.. the mega-church I used to live next to in Plano Texas seats 75,000 people, has a movie theatre and bowling alley. It kind of freaked me out to be that close to the hot-bed of bat-shit craziness. I'm a bit further away now, but not by much.
Interesting how you are careful to explain that the terrorists represent a small portion of the Muslim Religion but that it does not represent all Muslims, yet you are so quick to lump all of Christianity into anything such as this ATM's for Jesus. Your inconsistently is incredible, to say the least.
Yes, that's a good point. I don't metion often enough that there really are some exceptional Christians. The people at the United Church of Christ really emphasize the Jesus of the beatitudes, and not the angry god of the old testament.
I might disagree with the central idea of Jesus as a "savior" and all that, but I do respect a lot of their viewpoints and actions.
Most all of the Christians I'm surrounded by in Texas are of the bat-shit crazy variety that I often criticize.
There is nothing in the founding documents that says we're supposed to ban religion.
A couple of examples for your peabrain:
Ever notice how there's a prayer said at townhall or city hall meetings?
Now where do you suppose the history comes from that would incorporate such a ritual?
And how long have we been doing that in the United States?
Another point. The Bible was taught as a school book until the '60's, and I have a lot of quotes from the founding fathers that support that point - they felt that it meant a lot to a civil society to have children well-versed in biblical teachings.
The separation of church and state is not a constitutional principle. It's written in the Soviet Union's constitution, but not in ours.
Ours specifically states in the establishment clause along with the free exercise clause:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"
"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"
The second part is what liberals are trying to squeeze out of the Constitution because they think it's a 'living document'.
It's not; it wasn't intended to be, and it isn't. So you asshats should stop trying to change it while you're complaining that everything is 'unconstitutional'.
What you're doing is 'unconstitutional' - attacking people for their views - that don't agree with yours because you think everyone should think the same way you do.
That's like a German jackboot. Which is fitting, because Hitler was a socialist and hated Christianity just like you.
They recently arrested some Christians for praying, so I guess you're just sticking to what works and what is 'popular'. It's a shame that you don't care about anyone but yourself, and it's also a shame that you're willing to hate something so much that you obviously don't understand at all.
Beginning with how long this religion has been here, how it's a foundation for our laws, and how we're not forcing anyone to convert at under the threat of having their heads hacked off.
I'm not even going to try and post anymore.
I guess his theory is that even if he posts incoherent and inane bable, if he posts it enough it becomes true. Sorta like the Clap Louder Theory.
This is too ammusing to get over.
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