For those who liked that kind of stuff, there were whips, chains and a lot of leather. Jeanette says that most of the clients who wanted to be dominated were Republicans. She cracks a smile, then adds, "They wanted to be spanked and tortured and wear stockings -- Republicans have impeccable taste in silk stockings -- and these are the people who run our country." - The D.C MadameOf COURSE the masochists are Republican. Greenwald has demonstrated, time and again, the "authoritarian cult" of the Christian right wing in America. They worship the father figure. They want to be dominated and told what to do, and what to believe. They love violence, and fixate on it constantly.
You see it from Doug, every single day. He's fixated on violence and war. You know that he can't wait until we get "hit" again, just so he can say "Told you so!". He bows down at the alter of the father figure.
Rick fantasizes about "knocking down assholes". No doubt he'd love the stiletto heals of a dominatrix walking all over him.
The Administration has thrown out the Geneva Conventions and tortures prisoners.. just to torture them... so it's no wonder they PAY other's to do the same to them. They get a hard-on while being beat senseless.
How about some more examples?
yourworstnightmare said...The phone list has been published and people are working feverishly to connect the numbers to names. It'll take a while, but it's going to be great.
I'd rather have a manly man around than a metrosexual. At least I'd know he could protect me if some idiot like you showed up.
yourworstnightmare said...
What is it with leftists and deviant sex? It's all about sodom and gomorrah with you people.
yourworstnightmare said...
give me a manly man any day, lol...at least he knows where things are supposed to go!
And that includes sexy guys in uniform.
Fuck your "Christian" hypocrisy. Fuck your movement. Fuck you.
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