Monday, July 16, 2007


Noticed that image at Teh Loon's blog. Naturally, as always, it completely misses the point. It is not the military that could be classified as "losers", rather it is the civilian leadership (the administration) as well as the entire neo-con movement.

Gen. Petraeus has stated the war cannot be "won" militarily. The military has nothing to "win" or "lose" in Iraq regardless. Those of us (a majority of Americans I might add) that advocate removing our soldiers from the Iraqi meat grinder actually "support" the troops far more than the wingers that have no concern over the mounting casualties.

It's really a simple concept. Leave the troops in Iraq, or remove them, and the net effect in Iraq will be the same. The number of American casualties, however, will be very different.

If you want to talk about "losers", look first to an Administration that launched a war based on false information, then subsequently botched it, leaving the military in an un-winnable situation. Whether the military stays or leaves Iraq is meaningless to the extent that it will not effect the "insurgency". However, in the mind of the Great American Right Wing Loon, all that matters is that our military is deployed in an Islamic country, killing "bad guys". It is the violence they are interested in, not "winning".

But it all goes deeper than that. I fear the very existance of the United States of America as being in grave danger. Not only do the Islamic Extremists wish to end our existance, but so does the Mexican extremists (and the movement is stronger than you realize), socialists in the Democratic Party, and the Internationalists in the Republican Party. Once, long ago, it was the communists from Russia. Now it's those groups above, as well as China, North Korea, and the like.
Doug is pissing all over himself again. What a frightened little man he is.

What the fuck is a "Mexican extremist" anyway? LOL

KIRKUK, Iraq -- Twin suicide car bombs exploded within 20 minutes of each other in northern Iraq today, killing at least 80 people and wounding around 150 in attacks that ripped through an outdoor market, police said.
It's been 4+ years. How many more years? 10? 20?

Define "winning" you assholes.

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