Friday, July 20, 2007

Asshat Quote of the Day

Doug has written a ton of shit lately, and I need to sort through it and pick out the good stuff to practice my voodoo and "trickery" on.. but this part was just so funny I can't resist a quick post;

And Barrack Obama, the great hope of the Liberals (aside from Billary) says: Sex Education for Kindergartners is the Right Thing To Do.

Are you freakin' kidding me? And this is what they call progressive? Seems more like regressive, to me!
This is a nice example of why Doug is a shitty writer, and nothing more than a Julius Streicher wannabe propagandist.

He doesn't describe the type of sex-ed that Obama is talking about. Here's how one columnist describes it;

So, at this point at least, what Obama is referring to is teaching five year olds about inappropriate touching. The Obama campaign also tells The Brody File that parents would be able to opt out. As for further details, the touching aspect seems to be the main idea here. Obama doesn't want to hand out condoms to five year olds. He doesn't want cucumber demonstrations as part of show and tell.
I must say that Romney's comments suggesting that Obama wants to teach sex education to kindergarteners is a little misleading. Because he didn't put in the proper context, many in the audience probably left thinking that Obama is ok with the condoms and cucumber approach.
And just who might that columnist be? Why, he's a writer for Pat Robertson's organization.

Yes, that's right. Pat Robertson's organization, defending Barack Obama from the vile opportunists that would try and mischaracterize a policy statement. Can you fucking believe that? I about fell out of my chair.

Why the fuck don't you quote in context Doug? Why wouldn't you describe what Obama proposed instead of just mindlessly attacking him, as if he wants to teach 5 year olds how to have sex? Why do you always lie like that? Isn't bearing false witness against your neighbor a sin Doug? Maybe it's okay if you just do it against the Democrats?

What a total asshole you are...

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