Now that the liberals have their panties up in a bunch, let me explain as I had failed to clearly before. - Classic DougThat's because you're a shitty writer Doug.
For the same reason you're having to go back and "explain" what you meant yet again, I could do the exact same thing to that dumbass post, where you'd have to go back and "explain" again... and again.. and again.
The real problem is that you couldn't write your way out of a wet paper bag.
Need I mention that it all goes back to the bedwetting? OMG Islamofasicstteraists are coming to "hit" us!!!1
Let's do a bit, since it's fun;
My point is, in the end, though a number of variables may make something more likely to go in one direction, a change in direction is always possible. In those kinds of cases, one cannot preach absolutes.Holy shit Captain Obvious! I've never thought of that!!! Thank god you wrote a 136 word analogy stating the patently obvious. I'd never have figured that out, if not for your brilliant prose!
Example: The idea of taking the war to the terrorists is to minimize the chances that there will be another attack against the United States.And of course, Doug never sets up a point without the payoff of extending the analogy to the "war on terra". Kill more ISlamofascists because it's just like escaping a bad neighborhood!!1 I had no idea that Doug's opinion on "morals" was going to lead to a screed about needing more death and destruction in Iraq. He never does that!
I have been quoted in the past as saying things like, "I don't want multi-culturalism and diversity in America." The liberals went nuts on that. I must be a White-Supremicist Nazi for saying something like that, right?Yes, that's right.
But wait! Doug is a "writer", but somehow he totally didn't explain that whole thing correctly the first time? No way!
This is becoming a pattern with him, isn't it?
The idea of multi-culturalism and diversity teaches that folks should embrace their racial identity, foster bilingualism, and to improve support services and physical facilities for all people by catering to their ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds (unless you are Christian, of course, then it's a crime to do so).That's pretty much correct, except for "foster bilingualism". Every single ethnic wave of immigration to this country included their native language. As always happens, the next generation masters English and over time the native language fades and everyone speaks English. Just look at the Italian immigrants.
Doug just wants to bag on the evil Mexicans. That's all he's going on about.
Ugh.. I'm bored now reading his post. It's another one of those "stream of consciousness" rants about how we're all 'Murkins and we're all supposed to be just like him, and we can't embrace differences.
I'll just skip to this part. You know a Doug post (brilliant writer that he is) wouldn't be complete without a straw man to assault. I was reading and reading and thinking to myself, "where is the total mischaracterization of liberal points of view"?
Oh wait.. there it is.. right at the end..
"Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong." It is wrong to steal, for example. But not in the liberal world. They will, instead, find a reason to nurture the person and to discover why they would do such a thing, rather than offer punishment for the crime. Murder is murder, unless in a situation of self-defense or in war where to kill the enemy will stop a larger slaughter of your own citizens by such enemy. Not in the minds of liberals. If an enemy wishes to kill you, according to them, and if an enemy commits an act of war, even when the enemy is unreasonable and unwilling to listen to reason, we have to be diplomatic.I give up.. Doug is right. I've been fighting it for ages, but it's true. I think that everyone who steals just needs a hug, including corporate raiders like Ken Lay. It's too bad he died before he could be pardoned.
I also want the Islamofasicststerraists to come and kill my entire family.
You, sir, are brilliant. You finally wore me down with your constant screeds on a daily basis, making up the most vile bullshit and attributing it to millions of liberal Americans. Clearly you have an incredible command of the language, and constantly make clear and concise arguments, supported by a wealth of evidence. You've developed an intirely new paradigm of arguing with somebody on the internet without actually naming them, linking them, or quoting anything they said. I am in awe of your rhetorical prowess.
Fucking moron.
Doug felt he needed to clarify because liberals like you missed the obvious when he wrote it the first time.
Though I do appreciate you dutifully coming by here to do a job that Doug is afraid to.
Not afraid, would rather not waste the time. But, since Rick convinced me to see what you wrote (talk about bad writers) how about you chew on this for a while: ". . .all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Notice the words "created" and "Creator" in there.
God Bless, hope you find your way out of darkness before it is too late. I am praying for you.
I'm glad you mentioned that. Like I said.. you make my job so much easier. I wrote a post in response.
Go read the federalist papers you loon.
And by the way Doug.. I've never claimed to be a "writer" like you have. I just notice and highlight how horrible you are at it.
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