As always, the pulsating need among the strain of individual represented by Tucker Carlson and Johan Goldberg to search endlessly for strong, powerful, masculine figures so that they can feel those attributes and pose as one who exudes them (Jonah Goldberg: "love to have a beer with the guy") is its own stomach-turning though vitally important topic. The same is true of the fact that the movement of which they are a part virtually always venerates as Icons of Courageous Sandwich-Eating Masculinity precisely those figures who so transparently play-act at the role but whose lives never exhibit any such attributes in reality. That, too, is its own rich and abundant topic.I'm reminded of the famous quote from Shakespeare, methinks thou dost protest too much. The right wing male loves authority, and masculinity, and abhors the homos. It's patently clear they have their own latent homosexual issues they are struggling to deal with. Most of them are paranoid cowards living in fear, and they want Arnold Schwarzenegger to buff up and kick the bad guy's ass... then tuck them in at night... and maybe he can just stay and cuddle for a little while before drifting off to a peaceful sleep.
Trust me.. I know gay.. and the right wing loons smell gayer than Richard Simmons after a 2 hour workout with a bunch of fat ladies.
In 2003, Greenwald was the executive producer of a one-sided and tendentious documentary titled Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War. The film's tagline reads, "the story of how truth became the first American casualty in Iraq." According to the website TruthUncovered.com, "This controversial and arresting film takes you behind the walls of government, as CIA, Pentagon and foreign service experts speak out, many for the first time, detailing the lies, misstatements and exaggerations that served as the reasons to fight a 'preemptive' war that wasn't necessary. The war with Iraq brought about unparalleled resistance, both in the streets and in the chambers of government….Throughout the fall of 2002, and into the weeks preceding the war in Iraq, the Bush administration systematically distorted intelligence evidence and misled the public in order to turn opinion favor of 'regime change' in Iraq." The film begins by misstating the rationale for the war in Iraq and rapidly degenerates from there.
From Robert Greenwald
Except for leftards who think he's a GOD.
oh, I'm sorry that's the wrong Greenwald even though it's the same spew.
What is it with leftists and deviant sex? It's all about sodom and gomorrah with you people.
give me a manly man any day, lol...at least he knows where things are supposed to go!
And that includes sexy guys in uniform.
You're a bit strange, now aren't you?
But I agree.. manly men are the best... but I tend to keep that out of the political debate. To each his own - that's the point.
Greenwald simply observes the right wing obsession with masculinity, and if you've ever read Jesus' General - he has quite a lot of fun with the psycho-sexual ramifications of it.
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