Now, the Liberal Left's response (one such idiot used argument over at Jenn's Site) is going to be: "I thought taking the war to them will keep all the terror attacks in the Middle East?"So.. let me see if I understand what Doug is saying here.
Well, here's the thing, my liberal friends: We were taking the war to the terrorists, but with all of the recent attempts at appeasement and withdrawal by the Left (not just the American Left, mind you) terrorists have been emboldened. Because of the liberal left's weakness, they are feeling stronger and more capable.
The loons (especially the Chimp) has been saying "fight them there so we don't have to fight them here" over and over for 5+ years now. That's the "flypaper" theory, right? It has the double bonus of scaring Americans into believing we're going to "get hit" any second now, while also reassuring Americans that we'll be "safe" because all the terrorists are in Iraq. Uh huh.
So the terraists have apparently attacked an airport in Scotland and when somebody points out that "fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here" doesn't actually work, the fault naturally rests with the "liberal left".
Because the terraists monitor the mood of the "liberal left", which by the way includes 77% of the American population, they somehow have become "emboldened". Apparently they were afraid before, and just stuck with attacking the best trained and equipped soldiers in the world in Iraq. The idea of hitting soft targets didn't occur to them until they saw how "weak" the liberal left is.
It's hard to fathom how deranged a mind has to be to come to that conclusion. Seriously.. the right has controlled the entire American government and waged the "war on terrorism" - liberals have had nothing at all to do with it - and STILL these fucking imbeciles somehow think that every single attack is the fault of the liberal left.
You sir, are one crack addled loon.
Further, loons like Doug like to paint terrorists into a singular category. They are all the same to Doug. We're "taking the war to the terrorists" in Iraq, so these terrorists that attacked the airport must be the same terrorists we were taking the war to in Iraq, but somehow they left Iraq and decided to go to Scotland and attempt to blow something up - all because they saw how "weak" the "liberal left" is.
The simplicity of terms and concepts that these idiots use makes my head hurt.
I'm still waiting for Doug to advocate genocide. I'm sure he's debating it in his own head right now, because he's convinced that only war and killing will "stop the terraists". That's the only option for the right. Only perpetual war and killing all the Muslims will assure that we get all the terrorists. Meanwhile, most all the loons avoid military service and don't actually participate in any way other than typing out furious madness.
And finally.. Douggie leaves another comment on my blog explaining why he's not a hypocrite for deleting any comment I leave on his blog.
The irony is fantastic. It's the perfect microcosm of his warped thinking.
1 comment:
If I looked like you, my head would hurt, too.
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