This whole Republican administration has been an absolute nightmare from beginning to end.. All of this is a result of the 2000 election, and I'm not speaking only of the recent SCOTUS rulings either.
Still, it's unprecedented the degree of near brawling that has been going on with the Supremos. The dissenters have been reading their descents, and making public statements. Hell, read the transcripts from any of the recent speeches from the retired Justice O'Connor. She eviscerates the trashing of the Constitution at the hands of the loons. Scalia, particularly, is just fucking out of his mind insane.
The good news, of course, is that we're not likely to see a Republican Congress or president for quite a while. All of this damage can be undone. It's just going to take a long time. Thank Gorak that if we were forced to have a Republican president, it would be the totally moronic Chimpster. He's set the whole conservative movement back decades at least.
The rephrasing of the Churchill quite is...meh. Otherwise, I agree.
Hey.. you think up unique, catchy post titles several times a day for several years. It ain't easy.
actually I was refering to the quote by Stephen Breyer.
The Churchill quote, speaking of the RAF was,
Never in the history of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.
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