Multiculturalism and tolerance sound pleasant and polite, but their mesmerizing drones have paralyzed students’ ability to think. The staggering number of American students who cannot formulate meaningful arguments based on reason and facts is a serious concern, but why is anyone surprised? Multiculturalism orders students not to make judgments about anything, and tolerance deceives kids into believing that uninformed opinions are just as valid as reasoned arguments. - Guest Right Wing Loon on Douggie's Blog.That's very amusing. Tolerance and "multiculturalism" are a bad thing.
That is what we call Neo-Nazi propaganda. I wonder what their Final Solution is to the problem?
I find it very amusing when the bat-shit crazy people make arguments that liberals "cannot formulate meaningful arguments based on reason and facts". They actually build "creation" museums showing men hanging out with dinosaurs. After all, reason and facts would indicate that mankind dates back 6000 years, right?
Yes, we all know how the crazy right is all about reason and facts. It's kind strange how liberals are far better educated and have higher incomes then the loons.
Ya... that makes perfect sense. Doug likes to quote Nazi war criminals, and now has a neo-Nazi writing for his blog. How special.
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