Klaudt was preaching the moral superiority of the far right while he was abusing and molesting children-- his own foster daughters and 2 state legislative pages! He "faces a long list of charges: eight counts of rape, two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, two counts of witness tampering, sexual contact with a person under 16, and stalking."Remember the other recent Jebus freak criminals? Tom DeLay, "Duke" Cunningham, Bob Ney, John Doolittle, Mark Foley..
It's a sick, sick movement. It's no surprise this guy was pushing extreme right wing loon legislation. It's pretty simple. The more a person rails about "morals" and finger points at everyone else, the more likely they are to be privately twisted.
In fact, I suspect all the GARWLs that continually rail about the "homosexual agenda" have some first hand experience with the agenda... probably a lot of experience. Klaudt certainly is going to find out when Cellblock D pulls a train on him. He's probably looking forward to it.
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