Democratic Senate candidate from Maryland, Ben Cardin.
And yes.. I picked a pasty old white guy to throw you off. Normally people that look like that are conservative nut jobs.. but the hint is always in the details. Check out his tie. The light blue stripe matches his shirt perfectly. A conservative would wear a solid color tie. Also.. don't forget about lapel pins.
The really odd thing is that his opponent is a black guy. Talk about role reversals..
Now.. apply the theory..

One of these pasty, chubby, white guys is a "liberal". Which one is it?
For the record, these 3 are the Georgia candidates for Governor.
The guy on the left.
No badges, decent tie.
Dude in the middle has a red tie and a pin, double busted.
Old guy on the left's tie is more blue than the guy on the right so I'll have to go with him as well.
It's the guy on the right.. He's the democrat.. and I guess as "liberal" as one could be in a state like Georgia.. The one on the left is the current governor (republican) and the middle is a libertarian (loser) candidate.
See.. I just got done talking about the tie and ya'll STILL got it wrong.. It's not really about the color, it's more about the style... but if you notice.. the color of the tie on the dem is wrong... meaning that he's trying, but because he's from an inbred red-neck hill billy state, he's not quite got it right.
What really made me laugh when I first saw the pic was the cleaning lady behind them.. at least I think that's a cleaning lady.. it's just a very weird place to have a group photo after a political debate for governor..
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