Thursday, October 05, 2006

Teh stupid

This is the last I'm going to write about this.. at least for today.. but this bit is so monumentally stupid it's giving me a migraine.

AP is reporting that Hastert is going to appoint Louis Freeh as an independent "expert" to investigate the page program and suggest changes.
So.. let me get this right.. we need to "change the page program" why? Seriously.. holy fuck that's stupid for the ages!

The page program provides kids a chance to run errands for Congressmen and basically act as "gophers". That's it. So, now we need to change that program, because the essential premise of the whole thing is that Congressmen cannot be trusted to keep their dicks in their pants when it comes to under-age pages in the Capitol. The program has to be changed to keep the kids away from the Congressmen.

Jesus fucking christ.. I cannot believe how fucking stupid the world has become.

Hell, why not change the "religion program" to keep kids from going to church? Why not keep the kids out of the boy scouts? Why not stop those damn kids from being all studly on sporting teams because they only arouse their coaches?

In short.. we need to keep kids away from adults... especially Congressmen. It must be the page's fault that the congressmen come on to them...

In another story of extreme stupidity;

MADISON, Wis. - In the wake of school shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania during the last two weeks, a state legislator says he plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry concealed weapons.

Rep. Frank Lasee, a Republican, said Wednesday that, while his idea may not be politically correct, it has worked effectively in other countries.

"To make our schools safe for our students to learn, all options should be on the table," he said.
Apparently, you can become a state legislator in Wisonsin while simultaneously being stupid as fuck.

The answer to guns and violence in schools is to bring more guns into school!

Can we please just make me emperor now? Teh stupid needs to be deported.

** update **

Continuing the theme;

OSLO - German drugmaker Schering warned consumers on Thursday not to use hemorrhoid cream on their faces.

The warning came after a male stylist said on Norwegian television that many photo models used the cream in the morning to get rid of puffy eyes, which the drug company said seemed to have boosted demand for such products at pharmacies. Beauty magazines in the U.S. have been advising the same for years.

“This is a pharmaceutical and not a cosmetic,” the group’s Norwegian subsidiary Schering Norge AS said in a statement, warning especially to keep hemorrhoid cream out of the eyes.

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