Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Liberal or Conservative?

Place your bets...


Steve said...

Hmm... You fooled us last time and went with 3 liberals... Does that mean anything though.

I'm going to have to go with Liberal. Cause there's no way we'd think you'd put up 4 straight. :)


Tom said...

hahhaah.. got you thinking in circles....

There are certain patterns that apply in the "liberal vs. conservative" game.. like most times if it's an old white guy, it's conservative, but we all know that, so I might try and trick you by finding an old white guy liberal.. but then you might know that I know that you know that old white guys are usually conservative and that I'd try and fool you by finding a liberal old white guy.. and so you'd guess liberal and since I know that you might do that, I'll just skip the old white guy and find an old guy of indeterminate race...

But.. is there is a dead giveaway in the picture that you completely missed? Maybe.. maybe not..

Anonymous said...

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia." But only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line."

There is no American flag in the backround which is definately a must for any congressman. But he is wearing a red, white & blue tie so I would say that this man is someone running for office. I'm going to go with liberal since if he was a conservative his face would be all squished up with that "these God damn republicans are fucking up my compaign!" look.


Anonymous said...

I cant see the lapel pin clearly, but I'll go with conservative.