Minnesota's only openly gay Republican legislator, Sen. Paul Koering of Fort Ripley, fended off attacks from anti-gay marriage groups Tuesday and won a hard-fought primary election against Brainerd City Council Member Kevin Goedker, who campaigned as a family-values candidate.I wasn't terribly interested in any of the primaries from yesterday, except this one. I think that he won is a big deal. It's yet another single of a shift in American attitudes.
In one of the most closely watched of 20 legislative primary contests in the state, Twin Cities-based Minnesota Citizens in Defense of Marriage had leafletted cars at Brainerd-area churches Sunday to publicize Koering's failure to vote three years ago on a floor amendment to prohibit the promotion or teaching of homosexuality and bisexuality in public schools.
When Koering originally "came out" a year or two ago, I wrote him a letter congratulating him on it, and took him to task for being a gay wing-nut. He wrote me back a nice letter, and a couple went back and forth.. and things got a little odd after that.. but since this is a "family blog" (har), I'll just leave it at that.
and things got a little odd after that.. but since this is a "family blog" (har), I'll just leave it at that.
Oh hell no...
You have intriguied your readers (or reader, I haven't yet decided if there are others :))
Give us the dirt.
Actually.. according to the site meter, about 45 people a day read it.. but apparently not many are interested in commenting on anything..
Is it not possible that I have 45 different locations per day that I visit this site from?
Or some other kind of mad hacking skills to make it appear as though i'm 45 different people?
I suppose that's possible.. but there were 30+ reading it before you even found it..
Alright, so either I've been reading it all along and just didn't let you know, or... I'm single handedly responsible for bringing 15ish readers to your blog. :)
On another note, I'm really freakin bored today, so more posts would be great. :)
I'm still lurking around as well.
Who says you aren't me?
You just blew my mind, man.
It's that kind of day. :)
This needs more spam
Sorry for the deletion, had some spelling issues. :)
Tom, you need to post more, I mean, look at us... we're spamming comments because we're bored and in need of wise teachings.
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