Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Asshat Quote of the Day

Then there are more cynical interpretations. It is in McCain's interests for the Republicans to do very badly this fall, so he can position himself as their savior in 2008. By taking the torture issue off the table, he removes one of Rove's key weapons in the campaign: to portray the Democrats as too cowardly to torture the perpetrators of 9/11 and therefore too weak to defend the nation. It's b.s., of course, but that's beside the point. It works. So this deal may temporarily help the Democrats in November (which may explain their own supine cowardice on the subject).

McCain, in other words, is a shrewd politician and he knows when to fight a battle he can win and when to punt on a fight he will lose. - Sullivan
John McCain gave into the criminals who want to continue torturing prisoners, including Americans. Yes, you read that right.. They will be able to classify Americans as an "unlawful combatant", and indefinitely detain and torture them without habeas rights.

Because McCain "compromised" (he's the great centrist after all), the centrist Sullivan calls him a "shrewd politician" and the Democrats who oppose the bill as "cowards".

Good fucking god.. what the hell is going on in this country?

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