Monday, July 10, 2006

They get letters

** update below **

How to set this up so it makes sense...

Okay.. this organization called Stop the ACLU (link:) got involved in a school prayer issue in Delaware. The ACLU was representing a Jewish familiy, whose child was being ridiculed and subjected to Christian school prayer in a public school.

The ACLU felt that the conduct in the school district violated the establishment clause, and how the courts had previously banned school prayer.

So, the "director" at the Stop the ACLU group published the phone and address information of the Jewish family; they were harassed by the local "Christians" until they moved out of the community.

But that's not why I wrote the guy. I just sent him a letter in the style of my glorious leader, Gen. JC Christian, patriot, better known as Jesus' General. It seems that Stop the ACLU is also actively fighting against the ACLU's support for same-sex marriage.

I wrote the gentleman to show my support for his activities. I hope he writes me back. His address is by the way...

Mr. Kareiva,

I looked with great interest on your web site the description of your work to stop the ACLU from re-defining the God given institution of marriage. As you describe it;

The ACLU doesn't want the voters to vote on them because they know that the homosexual agenda will lose in almost every, if not every, state.

I'm quite sure you are aware of the ACLU's meddling in the traditional definition of marriage in the past as well, when they convinced the Supreme Court to decide the case of Loving vs. Virginia in 1968. The precedent the liberal judges set was giving themselves the jurisdiction to apply the US Constitution concept of "equal protection" to state marriage laws despite the will of the Christian population of those states.

In fact, Virginia had passed legislation through the democratic process to keep niggers from marrying the white women. That's a basic concept in the traditional marriage institution. Jesus wouldn't want any niggers marrying the white women, neither would God, and neither do we! The fine Christians of Virginia saw fit to vote in legislators that would pass legislation to keep them niggers with their nigger women and not our white women.

Then, those uppity niggers and their god damn commie bastard lawyers at the ACLU convinced the Supreme Court of the United States to over turn their democractically passed legislation, but not only in Virginia, but in every state of the US!! Even more amazing is at the time, more than 78% of the American public was opposed to a nigger marrying a white woman. 78%!! Those activist judges struck down anti-miscongeniation laws anyway.. (that's a big word for niggers marrying white womens)

It is beyond ridiculous that courts are allowed to rule on the definition of marriage in direct contradiction to the will of the American Christians. For goodness sake, we already got heathen Jews marrying our Christian women, and now niggers, with their big members, are tempting the white girls away from their Godly duty to small peckered white Christian men. I won't even watch NBA basketball anymore because all them rich niggers got white wives. It's disgusting.

What's left for us then when the Jews and niggers got all our women? Well, you know a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. So, I've had to do some "research" into the evil that we fight, and that's homosexuality. I've been checking into it quite a bit, and if you ever get to Texas and would like me to show you how that sin works, I'm sure you'd find it very sinful in a pleasurable yet wicked sort of way. It's as if all they care about is the pure physical bliss, and completely deny the Lords intent for racial and sexual purity. But don't worry, we can repent right after the demonstrations to get right with the Lord.. again and again.. and again, until you don't think you can walk anymore.

So, thank you again for your work. If you don't help stop the ACLU, them faggots are gonna get married against the will of democracy exactly the same way them niggers married our white womens. So bless your heart, and do think seriously about exploring that sin with me so you are better armed to combat it.

Heterosexually yours,
ohhh.. got an automated reply right off..

Thank you for your message. I attempt to answer all e-mails within 24-48 hours.

Keep in mind that your purchases at our store support the Coalition. To visit
our store, go to

If you are a liberal and responding to the blogs that are criticizing our web
site, we will respond to you at our discretion. If you are interested in name
calling and verbal attacks, you will most definitely not get a reply.

God bless the USA!

Nedd Kareiva
Apparently those god damn liberals are writing him letters and being mean, like liberals always are.. hate filled.. just coz he exposed a bunch of god damn Jews as the Christian traitors they are, causing them to be threatened with physical violence and having to move.

** update **

Nedd writes me back, and takes me to task for using the "N" word.. Oops.. my bad. Of course I write him back and let him know why I did that.. was just following his example after all.. in a good Christian sort of way.

Subject: RE: ACLU's Homo Agenda
Date: Monday, July 10, 2006 2:10:13 PM [View Source]

I see why they call you Junior, little boy. Thank you for showing your stupidity. I'll make sure I put this up on the web site so my supporters can see what a pea brain you have. I guess you didn't listen to your parents very well, did you?

Only an idiot has to call a black a nigger. Thank you for being such a person, er bigot. My wife just happens to be black and I will be happy to show her the mind of a two year old.

In the meantime, this probably won't work in your vacuous cranium but just in case, see if you can differentiate between skin color and choice of gender whom to have sex with. Alas, I fear that is too tough for you but well, I tried.

Texas? Thanks for mentioning where you're from. We have hundreds of supporters from your state and if you like, I would be happy to forward this to them so they can respond to your childish e-mail.


So.. I ask him for some help, coz this is confusing..

I should have known!! The writing was right there all along.. It's so obvious that you "benefited" from Loving vs. Virginia, even though the vast majority of Americans were opposed to inter-racial marriage.. and now you take that new found freedom to marry the person of your choice, and use it to oppress another minority! Those activist judges sure did work for you, but with any luck, the homos won't get any equality.

The choice of skin color is so much different than the choice of gender. I totally didn't see that before. Thanks for making it so obvious.

As for why I used the term "nigger", I thought you and I were on the same page here.. After all, you wrote somebody else and said;

Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 10:17:52 -0700
To: ""
Subject: RE: Posted today
Oh, I know who you are. You're Rob Reiner of All in the Family, right? That's why they called you Meathead. I see. Thanks for your worthless comments, faggot maggot.

I figured that if you were referring to those damn homos as "faggot maggot", you'd be right there using terms like "nigger" as well.. It's the same thing! It's degrading a minority shearly out of ignorance, just like calling a 10 year old kid a "jew boy". Can you help me with which minorities it's okay to redicule and which it's not?

I guess I'm just confused now where to direct the hatred.. I guess you hate faggots, and think faggot marriage isn't "traditional", but you like niggers and think inter-racial marriage is "traditional" when really it's not.

So, explain to me who I'm supposed to hate cause this is so confusing.


p.s., you sure you don't want experiment on that homo thing? There's something so manly about middle aged pasty chubby white Christian men.


Steve said...

So no response on who to hate huh. :(

That's dissapointing, now i'll have to run around not hating anyone. :(


Tom said...

Nope.. he never wrote me back.. damn..