Thursday, July 06, 2006


ALBANY, N.Y. - The top courts in two states dealt setbacks to the gay marriage movement Thursday, with New York's highest court ruling same-sex unions are not allowed under state law and the Georgia Supreme Court reinstating a voter-approved ban on gay marriage.

In New York, the Court of Appeals said in a 4-2 decision that the state's marriage law is constitutional and clearly limits marriage to a union between a man and a woman.

Any change in the law would have to come from the state Legislature, Judge Robert Smith said.

"We do not predict what people will think generations from now, but we believe the present generation should have a chance to decide the issue through its elected representatives," Smith wrote.

In Georgia, the state Supreme Court reversed a lower court's ruling, deciding unanimously that the ban did not violate the state's single-subject rule for ballot measures. The ban had been approved by 76 percent of voters in 2004.
I could accept this, if not for the Supreme Court decision in Loving vs. Virginia.

There is no other way to frame this debate. We do not live in a pure democracy. America is a constitutional republic. The judges in these recent cases know that. They know that in 1968, 75% of the American public was opposed to inter-racial marriage. They know that the Supreme court found that Virginia's ban on inter-racial marriage violated the equal protection clause of the U.S. constitution.

These recent cases are exactly the same thing. They are exact carbon copies. There is no other way to spin that, unless you want to pull some old testament bullshit out of your ass as an excuse to trump the 1968 SC ruling. If American's had voted on inter-racial marriage in 1968, hell if they voted on it today, I highly doubt that an inter-racial couple could get married. Why should same-sex marriage be left up to the general moronic American population then?

The ONLY reason these two courts ruled the way they did today is because the Christian assholes demonized millions of Americans with their hatred.

I have more disdain for Americans nearly every single day... and it seems most of the rest of the world agrees.

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