So.. Steve goes over to the nutjobs blog and asks (in a nice way) for some info on why the crazy guy thinks only his group gets to go to heaven. The priest obfuscates very nicely by saying essentially what he said before. We're all going to hell, unless we belong to their cult. But.. he says it so nicely..
Hey, Steve, I certainly don't mind question or challenges. It's just that guy Tom was a bit over the top in his tone.Let me make this first point really really clear, and hopefully everyone can understand why I am "angry" and not particularly nice to these people.
You ask some valid questions. In the Gospels, Jesus makes some pretty clear claims about his role in salvation. He describes himself as "the way" and "the gate." His death and resurrection open the way to those who follow him.
I do not claim to know everything about God or his ways. As a Christian, I understand and believe that my belief in Jesus Christ guarantees entry into eternal life. Because of this, I don't fear death, although I'm in no hurry to die.
Before I became a Christian, I didn't know whether I would go to heaven. I feared death, because the thought of my conscious essence fading to oblivion was a frightening prospect.
When I really understood the Gospel for the first time, it was a liberating experience for me. There was hope. There was a demonstration of a God who loved me for who I am. There was a sacrifice made by God himself, a complete demonstration of his loving outreach.
In my faith, I don't have to earn God's approval, but merely accept his grace through faith.
I am no better person than you or that guy Tom. I don't claim to be holier than thou or perfect, in fact, I'm far from it, but I do rejoice in knowing that I am forgiven for my shortcomings.
The witness of Jesus Christ is that God is merciful, loving and benevolent. If all that it takes for me to enter heaven is to get to know and believe in his Son Jesus Christ, then sign me on!
Personally, I have never heard of any promise in any other religion that gives the guarantee of salvation on so simple a response to God.
Those who are not Christians get no judgment from me, but I am happy to share with anybody what I have experienced in my own journey to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Non-Christians may be pleased to hear Bishop Schori say that Jesus is not the only way to heaven, but for Schori to be the leader of a Christian denomination and contradict the teachings of Christ is offensive to those who are under her pastoral oversight. If she truly believes that the Christian faith is just a philosophical system and nothing more, then she should be honest and become a Universalist Unitarian or something rather than the primate of the Anglican Church in the United States who speaks for me and others.
Another word for contradiction is paradox. There are several paradoxes in the Christian faith, but there is an element of mystery to God that we accept and live into.
It's just that guy Tom was a bit over the top in his tone.The good reverend writes that the vast majority of the people in this world are going to hell. When you think about the worst possible thing that could ever happen to a person, going to hell would have to be it, right?
He decries MY tone after he just gets done saying we're all going to hell? What the fuck is that? Why can't rational people understand what the fuck is going on here, because his point of view is becoming the dominant one in this country?
The moral of that point is a frequent topic here at the Infidel Express (I'm kinda liking that name now). What matters in a world of stupid people is not what you say, it's how you say it. I could say I'm going to mass murder an entire family, which is less evil than condemning most of the world to hell, and if I could fluff it up the way the preacher does, people would nod and smile and say yes, that family does need to die in a fire.. (which is what DIAF stands for by the way). That mechanic is how Muslim preachers get their followers to strap on bomb belts. It's the language of evil, and this preacher man is getting pretty good at it.
So, in many contexts of life, I get the reputation of being the mean angry guy, but that's only because I'm frustrated at how stupid people are. The truth of the matter means nothing. That truism explains this Krugman column that ya'll should read. When you wonder how the most horrific lies become conventional wisdom, you merely have to look at how the lie is told.
But, in the end, I know nothing I write will change that mechanic of perception, and I'm not out to change the world - just point out the hypocrisy and evil in it as it comes along. I'm not sure if I could shift my language to the professional bullshit style of this "priest", even if I tried.
When I really understood the Gospel for the first time, it was a liberating experience for me. There was hope. There was a demonstration of a God who loved me for who I am.That made me laugh. He takes his new found demonstration of a God who loves him for who he is, and uses it to hurl hatred at gays.. who apparently God does NOT love for who they are.
Is there any more rank hypocrisy than that? I'm sure if you asked him about it, he'd say it isn't HE who is hurling hatred on gays, but it is God's will, as revealed through the bible, that says we should hate the gays. That, once again, absolves him of his evil by putting the onus on God.
Fucker... and I mean that in the most charitable sense.
Before I became a Christian, I didn't know whether I would go to heaven. I feared death, because the thought of my conscious essence fading to oblivion was a frightening prospect.Oh.. see.. he wasn't originally a Christian, and he converted. I'd be willing to wager my bank account that he's gay, and somebody fucked his head when he was a kid with all this moral bullshit.
I like his reasons for getting all up in Jayzus.. fear. That's it in a nutshell. He's afraid. For many other people, the increase in isolation causes them to turn to religion, as merely a social tool. It has nothing to do with God - they are just selling a social service, and people are willing to buy. It does help that they can rally around a common enemy - and today it's Muslims and homosexuals.
Oh.. and he wrote a post on science, claiming it's completely compatible with religion. He said he believe in "faith healing", so in his comments I asked him what happens when science and religion diametrically collide. I posted a link to the Scientific American study that showed that there is no such thing as faith healing, and often those "prayers" are counter productive as it only convinces the patient that they are in really bad shape, bringing down their own will to survive.
What do you think his response was? Well, there was none because he refused to approve my comment. Is that surprising? I said nothing rude, merely proved him wrong, and as is typical with right wing authoritarian crazy ass cultures, censorship works best.
Those who are not Christians get no judgment from meFucking liar... why be nice to him?
And, at the end of the day, and the conclusion of the analysis, my ultimate point remains. I have no problem with anyone who wants to be delusional. I don't really care if this asshole condemns me for worshipping Gorak and being gay. I could fucking care less that he lives his twisted existence. The problem is that these people control our government and armed forces, and we're seeing the net result of their rule. They are causing problems for the rest of us, and people need to open their eyes to see past the "aw shucks" bullshit Mr. Niceguy routine they put on, and look at the real ramifications of their delusions.
Unfortunately for most people, they can't, as Clinton used to say, "feel your pain". You actually have to be in pain before you give a shit.. apparently.
In my faith, I don't have to earn God's approval, but merely accept his grace through faith.Translation; I can be a twisted evil fuck, but if I flog myself for Jayzus, I gets to go to heaven and you don't.. neener neener neener..
In the Christian faith, it is ONLY God who decides who goes to heaven or hell. So most Christians will not say "you! you are going to hell!" Because that would be stepping on Gods toes, regular everyday people, cannot decide who goes to heaven or hell, only God can. If we did walk around judging people, it would be us pretending we are God, able to judge who is holy or not. Jesus is the way to have forgiveness of sins, because everyone who has ever been born is born a sinner. But God knows what He is doing. 3/4 of the earth population is going to Hell at this moment? How do YOU know whats in thier hearts? are you God? And for arguments sake, lets say they are... God does not WANT them to go to hell, as a matter of fact, Jesus died so that they would not have to, but its the free-will thing. If you want to live your life according to the will of God- displayed plainly by Jesus, written about in the Bible, then YOU WILL GO to Heaven. If you want to live accoriding to your own will, and your own desires, most of which are evil- and thats true for everybody weather you are a school teacher or a preacher, God cannot even LOOK at you. He cannot look at sin- because if He did- He would not be a just, fair, and righteous God. The blood of Jesus is the only thing that whipes away our sins. Unfortunatly for you, you probably are going to hell, and I am not saying this because I personally get to decide, or that I personally have anything against you. I dont even know you- Im from Canada. All I know is that- what seems like foolishness to you now, you will understand very clearly, very soon. God flooded the entire earth,(genesis) killing the entire planets population,(except for 8 good people) just because the whole group was evil and did whatever they wanted, and CHOSE to live that way. They had the same free will, and the very same desires you and I have today. The whole planets worth of people died and went to hell. And they were justly sentenced for all of thier sins. Just like we would expect from a perfect Judge, or panel of judges here on earth to do. If you heard about a Judge here on earth that was getting a bit slack and maybe accepting bribes, or was not doing his job properly- you would want to nail him to a wall and embarrass him or her, and make them regret not doing thier job properly or fairly. No one will every be able to say that THE God of the universe, was ever an unfair judge. You can hide behind the anger you have at God, and the people who love Him, and say whatever you want about us all, and I hope you enjoy it. Because it is probably the most fruitless experiment any person could try, I once tried a "fruitless experiment" of my own, I asked God to prove it to me, if He was actually REAL. I was a bi-sexual art student at the time. I am not a bi-sexual art student anymore. If you ever have felt Guilt at all, in your whole life, for any reason, I just want to let you know, that guilt is one of the many ways God speaks to us. He probably let you knnow you were doing something bad, that YOU really WANTED to do, and you probably just kept on doing it and hardened your heart, so you would feel that guilt anymore. Instead, you should ask Jesus to help you.
By the way, Im the confused simpleton.
Holy cow.. I would say you've completely lost your mind.. but telling crazy people they're are crazy is an excercise in futitility.
So.. good luck with that whole Jesus thing... hope your rapture goes well for you..
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