Thursday, July 27, 2006

Activist Judges

WASHINGTON - Threats against federal judges are on a record-setting pace this year, nearly 18 months after the family of a federal judge was killed in Chicago.

U.S. Marshals, who protect the nation's 2,200 federal judges, believe they averted another potential tragedy in the Midwest last year when they helped block the release of a prison inmate who told a judge in a series of sexually charged letters that he was going to take her away.

Threats and inappropriate communications have quadrupled over 10 years ago. There were 201 reported such incidents in the 1996 government spending year and 943 in the year that ended Sept. 30, the Marshals Service said.

This year alone, the Marshals Service has had 822 reports of inappropriate communications and threats, a pace that would top 1,000 for the year.
This is what happens when the right wing freak parade derides the judial branch of our government. The wingers blame "acitivist" judges for affirming equal protection. They attack journalists for publishing stories detailing illegal government activity.

And now we're the least bit suprised that threats against federal judges are on the rise?

They're just a bunch of uneducated violant assholes who only know violence as a means to settle conflicts. It's sickening what losers they are.

Meanwhile, the media focuses on the "unhinged left" attempting to unseat Joe Liberman. Ya.. working in politics and supporting a candidate is now "unhinged", but threatening death on judges is just peachey.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg revealed in February that she and former Justice Sandra Day O'Connor were threatened a year ago by someone who called on the Internet for the immediate "patriotic" killing of the justices.
Who is it that threatens the American way of life and our form of government? Oh right.. it's the tree hugging liberals.

The next time another prominent right wing blogger writes "Five ropes, five robes, five trees. Some assembly required.", we need to make sure to report that to the US Marshals office. It is, after all, a federal crime to threaten a federal judge. Put the fuckers in prison.

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