Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The One Percent Doctrine

Review of the new book from Ron Suskind, here:

The amazing part was the candid information he got from former CIA director George Tenet, and other's in the intelligence business.

Read the WaPo review. If Tenet is telling the truth, and the information in the book is accurate, Bush should be impeached and thrown out of office, and quite possibly go to prison.

But, this is just another one of those stories that is forgotton amid the coverage of Bush making another "surprise" visit to Iraq.

These events either happened, or they didn't. Either George Bush is lying, or George Tenet, and the other CIA guys, are lying. There is no middle ground.

So, where's my Jebus freak friend that is proud he voted for Bush? I want him to read that review, and then the book. I want to see him say it's "all lies" - because we know the right wing will stick their fingers in their ears, and close their eyes to anything that contradicts their world view. They are intellectually incapable of rationally analyzing evidence and forming a logical conclusion.. because they are quite literally, crazy.

Oh.. and the rest of the world is a bunch of Satan worshipers.. or something.. Trust me.. there will come a reckoning for all this shit they are doing.

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