Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sex cures all

Google has a tool (trends) that will give you a regional breakdown on word searches. So, follow the cause and effect with me here.

Terrorism and violence is the big problem.
Organized religion causes terrorism and violence.
Organized religion demonizes sex.
Everyone just wants to get laid.

So, look at the regions that most often search google for the word "sex".

1. Pakistan
2. Egypt
3. Iran
4. Viet Nam
5. India
6. Indonesia
7. Turkey
8. Saudi Arabia
9. Poland
10. Romania

Yow.. it's all those freaky religious nutbag countries that oppress sexuality and individual freedom. So when you wonder why Abdul would strap on some C4 and blow himself up - remember it's because he never gets laid, and they told him he'd get some 70 virgins in heaven.. or something like that. Boom!

So, if you take it one step further, how do you end religious nutbaggery, and the violence and terrorism it spawns?

Encourage sex... everyone fucking each other's brains out is the best defense against terrorism.

Oh.. and by the way.. that's also why most conservative Republican right wing jebus freaks are all uptight and violent. They are simply sexually frustrated.

via Sully

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