Thursday, April 27, 2006

Fucking retarded

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Every American taxpayer would get a $100 rebate check to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.

However, the GOP energy package may face tough sledding because it also includes a controversial proposal to open part of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil exploration, which most Democrats and some moderate Republicans oppose.
Lets be sure everyone understands this. The Republicans allow the oil companies to blatently rob the American public.. and to get us to calm down about it, they're going to give us all $100 checks?

Think about it - who's fucking money is it in the first place? God damn

They are seriously going to give everyone back $100 of our own money as if that means a fucking thing?

God damn most retarded shit I've heard in ages.. but I'm sure the truth is "somewhere in the middle". Duh..

But you know what? There's a lot of American's who ohhh and ahhh over a hundred bucks they get for "free" from the government. Frankly, it's a bribe to get people to think the Republicans are swell guys and they get something for free. That's like the rebate from a couple of years ago.. I think I got 300 or something.. all while they keep having to raise the federal debt ceiling because chimpy keeps spending like a drunken sailor.

That shit has to be paid for eventually.. by your kids.. For me.. not a big deal.. ya.. it's irritating, but I don't live pay check to pay check. It's the principal that I care about.. not the money..

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