Holy Jebus.. I drew a red dot on the map where I live. And, I have a Monday morning flight out to the cultural paradise of Birmingham Ala-fuckin-bama.
Please let it get cancelled.. please let it get cancelled..
It's gonna get real wet this weekend...
Wow.. a category 5 hurricane.. and the roads from Houston up to Dallas are jammed.. it's crazy.
God must really hate inbred red-neck pig fuckers to send such wrath down on Texas.
** Edit **

Another image from the National Weather Service, link: That really shows the size and strength this sucker has.. it's big.. and Texas is gonna get screwed hard..
Is that some sort of revelation that not all Christians agree with Bush? I'm sure not all Muslims agree with Osama Bin Laden, but that doesn't mean the religion itself isn't corrupt and blood drenched. Get it?
Participation is tacit approval of the larger evils.
Does intellect have anything to do with the use of 4 letter words? I've already explained why I do that, and it's because I'm not offended by stupid shit like the use of a word. It's just a word.. just a word.. just a word.. Get it?
The point I struggle to get across is my astonishment on how people prioritize things. I argued with a guy on another blog who consistently votes conservative, even when he agrees with my politics. Why? Because he doesn't like the way Democrats "look down on voters", or something along those lines. In other words, he put more weight in the -presentation- of the argument, rather than the argument itself. Which is ridiculously absurd.
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck..
And what the hell does that mean to a grown up anyway? They are just words, and in the context of the mass chaos that the world is on the brink of, it's is re-fuckin-diculous to be bent about it.
An entire American city was swamped - and people care about language. Nearly 2000 young Americans are dead in Iraq, and what are people concerned with? Gas prices?
So, you tell me to get my facts right... point out where I got one wrong.. Please.. do me a favor.. point one out.. because surrounding the F bombs are words that I carefully research out, and the facts are right.. and if not I NEED to post a correction. I've done that a couple of times when what I dug up didn't pan out.
And just for the record.. I bash the Christian faith for it's overwhelming propensity to hate me, and for causing suffering and misery to millions of human beings throughout history.
But - and this is important, and I've said it many times, this isn't limited to Christianity. ALL organized religion is nothing but a corrupt corporation led by corrupt and evil men.
Individual spirituality is exactly what it is.. independent self realization and belief. There is not a thing wrong with that. If people want to believe in made up bull-shit, great.. that does no harm.
And, ya.. I play an RPG for fun. So what? I like doing lots of things when I'm at home.. listening to music.. cleaning house.. writing.. emailing.. reading.. watch movies..
What is your approved list of activities for a 39 year old?
If you want to be critical of the way I live my life.. bring it on... not surprising because that's what bat-shit crazy Christian types are really good at.
So - again, a challenge to you.. where are my facts wrong?
Hey little bro, shouldn't you be going for cover right now? Like making an unscheduled trip home??
Stay safe,
Love, Lynn
You were right on the money with your response to natunguk. Those god-people are all about being self-righteous and not approving of the lifestyle choices of others.
"I would make comments on how a "Man" almost 40 years old plays RPG's but it's not my place to. Think about it."
Isn't that, in itself, a comment? He was right about one thing. IT'S NOT HIS PLACE! So to reiterate what you said to him...
It was nice to see that your sister is looking out for you. My sister posts comments on my blog too. She goes by Big Sister :-)
You sure you're not gay? We'd get along famously.. :P
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