Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I did not have...

sex with this particular woman..

I've had my issues with Bill Clinton, but I still think he was one of the greatest Presidents ever. A President is about the policy - not who he slept with.

Repressed people would have you believe that the issue of policy and sex is intertwined, but it's not. Clinton could have been humping a different intern every night, and I wouldn't care as long as the public policy made sense.

Still, Clinton was one of the more well behaved Presidents we've had. The fact that he only got caught with one intern is pretty good. Presidents have not changed behavior over the years, information has.

In the era of internets, mass communications, and tabloids, it's a lot harder to get away with sexual indiscretion. Heck, Thomas Jefferson was screwing slaves, and Abe Lincoln was sleeping with men. We consider them among the greatest Americans. Bill Clinton was the model of male libido restraint by comparison.

And you know what? Dems are sexy....

picture via Wildsects, which concludes my raiding of John's content for the day.

** update **

I was thinking a bit more about this, and asking myself why I liked Clinton, and it's more than just policy.

Bill Clinton is blessed with a lot of charm and charisma. I watched The Hunting of the President on DVD and at the end, Clinton spoke spontaneously for about 20 minutes. He was eleoquent, and forceful, and commanding.. all of those things you look for in a leader.

Bush's personality is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I am constantly ashamed that he is our President, putting asside policy, simply because he has a very hard time with the English language.

Bill Clinton commanded respect from all over the world as people found him to be genuinely empathetic to global issues. He could walk into a room and instantly take command. That's what you want from a Commander in Chief.

George Bush is despised by most of the world for his hubris and arrogance.

I would really have loved to have seen a Clinton GW Bush debate.


Ken Grandlund said...

Not only that, but Clinton actually came from humble beginnings and was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. We may laugh at his "I feel your pain" mantra, but I think he really could.

Bush, on the other hand, never felt any pain that a gram of coke couldn't fix. Or being born again. your pick!

Tom said...

Now watch this drive..