The photo is of the man that drove his truck over the hundreds of small white crosses bearing the name of service members killed in Iraq.
He absolutely fits the typical conservative profile. Dumb as a box of rocks, and violent.
Again, when you wonder how it is that so many Germans could actively participate in the killing of so many millions of people, look no further than that personality type.
Regardless of your point of view on the protest being staged in Crawford, is there no respect at all for a small memorial to the Americans who gave their lives? Are the conservatives really that insane? Apparently so.
Crooks & Liars has a clip from the Daily Show, where they discuss Cindy Sheehan's situation. Have a look at it here:
The Daily Show is one of the best shows on TV, period. They certainly know how to poke fun at the obvious absurdities of the right wing. Just the small jab at Fred Barnes cracks me up. Barnes is quoted as being sympathetic to the parents of Terri Schaivo, and then ripping into the mother of a dead Marine.
I wonder, does Fred Barnes, and Michele Malkin, and Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Liely (the list goes on and on), know that they are scum sucking pigs? I wonder, do they know they are the most vile of human beings?
Please, can we please round up all those fuckers, including the entire Faux news, put them in fatigues, and ship their fucking asses off to Iraq? Cowards, every last fucking one of them..
** update **
And our favorite freeper is still posting more anti-Muslim shit, which he really doesn't understand - yet he still hasn't killed any Muslims. Could it be, because he's a fucking coward? I think so.
1 comment:
Great post! These folks are pretty scary, aren't they?
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