Nathan Taylor
Chairman, Young Republicans National Committee
Young Mr. Taylor there was slightly abused by the fine upstanding Christian patriots empowered by the General to wage Operation Yellow Elephant (OYE).
So Nathan fired back:
"In recent weeks I have received numerous e-mails from leftist groups bent on infiltrating the Convention and protesting the appearance of veterans of the War on Terror. We will not allow these cowards to dishonor our servicemen,” stated Taylor.Awwwweeee.. He's calling the soldiers of OYE cowards for suggesting he and other young Republicans stop being cowards and sign up for the military.
"The childish insults and threatened protests of these leftists reveal ignorance of, and disrespect for, the sacrifice borne by many hosted by the Convention,"Oh yes.. the sacrifice these young Republicans have made! They are actually sending the troops - (drum roll please) - their Chapstick! I kid you not! Imagine the horror of being out in the warm Nevada desert and you have given your Chapstick away to a soldier serving in combat in Iraq?!?! You cannot begin to imagine the fear our troops in Iraq will strike in the hearts of insurgents, when the Muslim scum see our boys with glistening lips!
We are requesting attendees bring items to send to the troops. YRNC 2005 attendees will have an opportunity to write notes/letters that will be sent directly overseas to our military heroes. Items will be collected at the Registration table, then, convention attendees will be encouraged to put together a quart-sized baggie filled with some goodies and a note they have written. This will immediately follow the YR Freedom Fighter panel on Thursday, July 7 at 1:00 p.m. Each box shipped will contain 50 Civilian Rations® serving an entire platoon.
Recommended items include:
Chap stick
Sports clippings or magazines
Travel sized toiletries (manufacturer sealed)
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