Friday, July 29, 2005

Gotta be kidding me..

FRESNO, Calif. - Lightning struck a group of Boy Scouts taking shelter from a summer storm, killing the troop leader and a 13-year-old scout, according to a ranger and the boy's parents.

At least one of the injured was kept alive only because the troop managed to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation for an hour after Thursday's strike in Sequoia National Park, park ranger Alex Picavet said Friday.

"That's amazing," she said. "It's very difficult. It's probably because of their Boy Scout training."

The deaths come just days after four men were electrocuted while putting up a tent at the National Scout Jamboree in Virginia.

The scout group from St. Helena, which Picavet said included five adults and seven teenage scouts, was hit when a lightning bolt made a direct strike on one of the two tarps they had set up in a meadow. The man was killed instantly, Picavet said.
Maybe God is really pissed off at the Boy Scouts for some reason? Maybe because they discriminate against gays?

1 comment:

Perdita said...
