Niagra falls is a big cliff with water pouring over it. Whodathunkit?
Actually.. it's quite a bit bigger than I thought it would be. There are two sides; the American falls, and the Canadian falls. The Canadian falls are much more majestic.

We went on a boat tour, and yes, the blue garbage bag things came in very handy. I'd have been soaked head to toe without it.
We also saw a lot of the country side and so on. It was too warm, and I got too much sun, but over all it was a nice trip. I'm pretty tired, but tonight is Toronto nightlife night, so a quick shower, maybe a short nap, and it's out the door again.
Oh.. and we went by the building with the big advertisement I mentioned yesterday..

It seems that liberalism is working for them. The city has a bunch of environmental ordinances, and it's very clean. For instance, there is a law that says if your car is parked for more than 3 minutes, you have to shut the engine off. There's all sorts of things like that.
Hey Thomas, I've missed your regular battles with Oxen, and thought I'd check in on your site. Hope Ox doesn't drive you off, he needs someone like you to keep him grounded. I try to chill him out sometimes, but it doesn't always work.
How's Canada? I went to Niagra falls a few years ago, and you're right, you're told it's huge, but you can't imagine just how much water there really is until you've seen it yourself.
I didn't spend nearly as much time in Toronto as I'd have liked, so keep us all informed. Enjoy!
Hi Nick..
Actually.. Oxen has tried to ban me a few times and deleted my posts, so I don't bother with his site that much..
There is such a thing as an ideological bent, and then there is being a total tool. It's weird the way he will find not a single fault in the right wing machine.. ever.
The really amusing part is that he is probably far more rabid than he lets on. I suspect he is deeply disturbed in a number of ways, and truly lacks the mental capacity for independent reasoning.
In any case, it's sometimes fun to post on his blog... that's assuming he doesn't delete the post, or ban me yet again..
My favorite posts of his are the ones where he quotes an article having to do with Muslims, but doesn't say anything about it - as if we're supposed to know what his point is from having posted a quote.
The problem with Oxen - and most right wingers in general - is that he has a very narrow view of the world. He probably hasn't been out of Florida more than a few times, and I'd wager never been out of the country.
I also suspect he has a very large inferiority complex. You can see the way he sucks up to authority figures at every chance - but he is not an authority figure, which is really what he craves. He has no real control over anything, or anybody, and I can see that making him crazy.
In the long run - he's just another pro-war, right wing zealot, with no credentials, no education, no accomplishments, and no desire to actually do anything about his point of view, with a very vague excuse for not being in the military.. and he watches waaaaay too many episodes of Cops.. LOL
But.. isn't it amusing how dissent and "free speech" has no real home in the right wing?
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