Wednesday, June 22, 2005


There are two cases pending at the Supreme Court relating to the display of the 10 commandments at public locations. A ruling may come down this week.

It's a big deal. It's very important that the fundi's do not gain any more influence.

Each case is born out of the religious and cultural struggle raging in modern America between radical evangelicals and advocates of the secular state.

The conservative religious right, a strong backer of President George W. Bush, argues that the country is a "Christian" state and decry attempts to deny that heritage.
As we know from actually doing research (right?) that is a bald faced lie. The country is not a "Christian" state, and in fact the opposite is codified via the Treaty of Tripoli. You can see the original text in the national archives if you really want.

Well, I've documented several times that the evangelicals are lying, which really isn't much of a surprise, is it?

The question becomes - do we as a society base our culture on sound principals, morals, and science, or do we base it on improvable doctrine that is thousands of years old, which has no real relevance to the world today?

Remember - only 2 of the 10 commandments are actual laws. Don't steal. Don't kill. Duh!

This is really important.

If the fundi's win this one.. here's what we should do.. find some fundi's, wait for them to eat a shrimp, then beat them to death with large stones. Then, at trial, argue that the Old Testament (where the story of the 10 commandments lives) specifically states that eating shell fish is an abomination, and those that partake must be beaten to death. That's God's law.

Then we can move onto everyone who has had a divorce.. Rush Limbaugh is first..

1 comment:

John Ensminger said...

I'll start collecting large stones in my garage.....