The results of the autopsy were released today. It would seem she was in much worse shape than we were lead to believe. Who'da thunk it?
Thogmartin said that Schiavo's brain was about half of its expected size when she died March 31 in a Pinellas Park hospice, 13 days after her feeding tube was removed.The crazy people would have us believe that she was just a few therapy treatments from shooting some hoops. The reputable scientists who examined her thought otherwise.
"The brain weighed 615 grams, roughly half of the expected weight of a human brain. ... This damage was irreversible, and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons."
Thogmartin said Schiavio's brain was "profoundly atrophied" and that the damage was "irreversible." He also said the vision centers of her brain were dead" - meaning she was blind.
It's interesting how the fundi's, crazies, Republican's, are consistently proven wrong time after time, and yet they still maintain some measure of credibility. I just don't get it.
Now.. lets watch the media coverage, and see how pathetic it will be. Remember how it was Schiavo 24/7 on all the news, and the religious people were freaked, and all the right wing blogs were pounding away on it?
Bet none of them mention it.
Oh.. hey Oxen.. Still reading me? Going to post the news on your blog? Going to explain to everyone how you wanted to keep a blind, basically brain dead woman alive indefinitely?
Are you going to apologize to Michael Schiavo? Are any of you?
The whole affair was so completely tragic in every way. It was so unfortunate that she was in that condition in the first place - and then the crazy people just used her and her death to advance their own sick causes.
You know.. Every time I think that people can't get any dumber, they find new ways to surprise me.
But what really irritates me - is that the crazy people will not admit the reality of the situation. They will refuse to see that they were as wrong as a person could possibly be.
It's almost as if they are on a permanent acid trip. Reality, and what they perceive reality to be, are two very different things. They go through their life completely convinced that they are right in all things, and somehow their own mind is able to rationalize the concrete proof that contradicts them. It is an extraordinary ability to be able to rationalize like that.
I just can't do that. Today, I sent out an email with an explanation of why a certain system behavior was happening. Then after some additional testing, and talking with some other people, my explanation was incorrect. I had to send out an email to 15 people explaining that I was wrong in my original analysis, and re-stated what I believe is the correct solution.
The fundi's/crazies/Republican's, cannot do that. It is not in their nature to admit error because their entire belief system will crash down on them like dominoes. One lie after the other falling in a row.
That's why liberals dominate the thinking professions. If you can't challenge your own beliefs, and think critically, you can never be a professional engineer. You will get eaten alive for your arrogance.
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